Planting geometry
Pooled data of two years indicated that planting geometry of 120 × 20 cm was significantly superior (2408 kg/ha) over others. Even then maximum number of pods/plant (322) was registered by 150 × 20 cm compared to others. This was due to the fact that wider spacing has registered more number of primary and secondary branches/plant which enhanced the more number of pods/plant (Table 1). Similarly, 100 seed weight was also more in 150 × 20 cm spacing regime than 90 × 20 cm and 120 × 20 cm. Since the plant population was less in 150 × 20 cm (33,333) compared to 120 × 20 cm (41,666), yield was not compensated. The similar results were observed by
Pavan et al., (2011) who indicated that even though the grain yield recorded in wider row spacing of 150 cm × 90 cm was lower, plants tended to develop higher number of secondary branches in addition to primary branches due to greater availability of space per plant and less interplant competition for growth resources and improved micro climate. In the present study, the higher yield in 120 × 20 cm than 90 × 20 cm was due to the better availability of growth resources like water, nutrients, air, better cultural practices and effective weed control in wider plant geometry helped the plants to exhibit their full potential and produced higher yield than closely spaced plants (90 × 20 cm) .These results are in accordance with the findings of
Channabasavanna et al., (2017).
Nipping practices
Spraying of growth retardant chlormequot chloride recorded significantly higher yield (2368 kg/ha) over N2-nipping at 50 DAS (2120 kg/ha) and N1-without nipping (2180 kg/ha). The increase in yield was due to increase in number of branches, flowers and pods.
Tripathi et al., (2009) also observed that spraying of growth retardant TIBA (50 mg l
-1) increased flowering, number of pods plant
-1, number of seeds pod
-1 and 1000-seed weight during both the seasons. It also increased seed yield and harvest index of pigeonpea by 20.9% and 25.0% over control, respectively. The Improvement of seed yield of
Brassica juncea in response to the chlormequat was observed by
Lone (2001). He also observed Chlormequat application increased the number of pods per plant in
B. juncea. In the present investigation the spraying of Chlormequat recorded significantly higher number of branches per plant (51.3 g) and number of pods (313) than no nipping treatment (44.7 g and 271, respectively) (Table 1). The increase in number of pods and branches /plant were due to increased photosynthetic rate
(Dayal et al., 1993), stimulation in the rate of ribulose biphospahte carboxylase activity and rate of CO
2 fixation (
Numi, 1979;
Pando and Srivastava, 1985) and beneficial effect on chlorophyll content (
Shah and Prathapasenan, 1991;
Mandal et al., 1997) due to application of growth retardant.
Genotype BSMR -736 recorded significantly higher yield (2308 kg/ha) than TS-3 (R) (2066 kg/ha).
Channabasavanna et al., (2017) also reported that the genotype BSMR-736 produced significantly the highest grain yield (1667 kg/ ha) over Laksmi (1369 kg/ha) and TS-3R (823 kg/ha).
In the present study, the higher grain yield of BSMR-736 was attributed to its longer duration (170 days) compared to TS-3R (150 days). It had opportunity of longer period for the development of reproductive parts. Hence more number of pods per plant was recorded in BSMR-736 (320) compared to TS-3R (245). The higher yield components in BSMR-736 was attributed to higher growth parameters like higher total number of branches plant
-1 (49.0) than TS-3R (44.9), which can be attributed to its genetic potential.
Similar observations were made by
Meena et al., (2015) who reported that higher grain yield with ICPH2671 was due to significantly higher number of pods per plant (181.2) pod weight per plant (117.9 g), grain weight per plant (63.1 g), test weight (10.2 g) and harvest index (25%) over Maruti (139.9, 65.3 g, 33.7 g, 9.2 g and 19%, respectively).
Interaction of planting geometry and varieties
Among the P × V interactions (Table2), BSMR-736 with 120 x 20 cm recorded significantly highest yield (2581 kg ha
-1) than others (1970-2271 kg ha
-1), which was due to longer duration of BSMR-736 which provided the longer period for accumulation of photosynthates in reproductive parts (sink) and coupled with optimum population of 120 × 20 cm.
Channabasavanna et al., (2017) reported that suitable planting geometry minimize the competition between plants, helps in utilizing the resources very efficiently and ultimately enhance the total productivity. In their study they observed that irrespective of genotypes, pigeonpea yield decreased with the decrease in the plant population. The spacing of 90 × 20 cm (55,556 plants/ha), 120 × 20 cm (41,667 plants/ha) and 150 × 20 cm (33,333 plants/ha) produced significantly the highest grain yield of 1525 kg/ha, 1483 kg/ha and 1448 kg/ha, respectively and further increase in spacing reduced the gain yield. Though these treatments showed less seed weight per plant, seeds per pod and pods per plant as a result of intra row competition, the total grain yield was increased at closer spacing as the ill effect was compensated by higher plant population. The better performance of pigeonpea plants at wider spacing may be attributed to less plant competition and greater availability of growth resources
viz., light, moisture, nutrient and space for each plant. The more space facilitated in increasing branches per plant. This in turn accommodated higher inflorescence and thus increased the pods per plant. However, the extent of increase was not sufficient to compensate the yield attained with that at higher plant population. The planting geometry influences the performance.
Interaction of planting geometry and nipping practices
The interaction of planting geometry and nipping practice was also significant. Among the P×N interactions, planting geometry of 120 × 20 cm and chlormequat chloride application recorded significantly the highest yield (2683 ha
-1). At 90 × 20 cm and 150 × 20 cm planting geometries, N2-nipping (2084 and 1997 kg ha
-1, respectively) and without nipping (2004 and 2032 kg ha
-1, respectively) recorded significantly lower yield than 120 × 20 cm planting geometry with N
3 (chlormequat chloride) application (2683 kg ha
-1). Planting geometry 120 × 20 cm with N
3 (chlormequat chloride) application was also significantly higher than 120 × 20 cm with nipping (2218 kg/ha
-1) and without nipping (2324 kg ha
Jaidka et al., (2020) observed a significant decrease in abscission of reproductive parts by the mepiquat chloride application treatment as compared to control in soybean. Further they revealed that detopping and mepiquat chloride application, registered significantly higher number of pods/plant, pod setting percentage and 100-seed weight than control. Cessation of apical dominance by detopping put favourable effect on plant growth and development which was clearly reflected in terms of decreased plant height, optimized source-sink relationship, enhanced yield attributes and seed yield. Mepiquat chloride posed a favourable impact on soybean in terms of decreased leaf area index, enhanced SPAD value, high specific leaf weight, dry matter accumulation, optimized source-sink relationship resulting into better seed yield and yield attributes.
Interaction of P × V × N
The interaction of P × V × N revealed that genotype BSMR-736 with 120 × 20 cm spacing with chlormequat chloride significantly recorded highest yield (3013 kg ha
-1) than others. The increase in yield was due to optimum population, longer period for accumulation of photosynthates in reproductive parts and more number of secondary branches and pods per plant.
Phosphatase activity
Nipping practices did not have significant effect on the phosphatase activity and indicated that there was no adverse effect of chlormequat chloride on microbial acivity (Fig 1). Genotypes showed different responses to nipping practices and planting geometries. Genotype TS-3R recorded similar phasphatase activity at all the nipping practices. Where, it was significant for planting geometry. Phosphatase activity increased with increase in planting geometry, it was highest at 150 × 20 cm.
Genotype BSMR-736 did not show any significant effect with planting geometry (Fig 1). At 90 × 20 cm and 120 × 20 cm, both N1-without nipping and N2-with nipping recorded similar phosphatase activity. Where, N3-chlormequat chloride application with 150 × 20 cm was significantly higher than 90 × 20 cm and 120 × 20 cm. Since there was wider space availability, phosphatase activity was improved with increase in planting geometry (Fig 1).
Dehydrogenase activity
Genotypes showed significant difference on the dehydrogenase activity at 120 DAS (Fig 2). Genotype BSMR-736 recorded superior dehydrogenase activity to TS-3R. Genotype BSMR-736 recorded similar dehydrogenase activity at all the planting geometries under different nipping practices (Fig 2) and indicated that there was no adverse effect on effect of chlormequat chloride effect on dehydrogenase activity.
Net returns
Net returns were significantly higher with pigeonpea variety BSMR-736 when planted in 120 cm × 20 cm and sprayed with chlormequot chloride at 70 DAS. This treatment recorded net returns of 38000 Rs/ha (Fig 3). The increase in net returns was attributed to higher yield obtained in this treatment without much variation in cost of cultivation compared to other treatments. Hence there was increase in net returns. Similar results were reported by
Channabasavanna et al., (2017).