The field experiment was conducted during
kharif session from 2017-2019 at Regional Sugarcane and Rice Research Station, Rudrur, situated at an altitude of 286.3. m above mean sea level (MSL) at 18°49’41" N latitude and 78°56’ 45" E longitude. The experimental site is in Northern Telangana agro-climatic zone of Telangana state, India and experiences semiarid climate. The long-term (2017-2019) temperature and precipitation data of the site, collected from weather station (RS&RRS, Rudrur, station), are illustrated in Table 1. The mean air temperature during the soybean growing season increased from 22.0°C in June to 28.4°C in October; the average temperature was 24.7°C. Both the maximum and minimum temperatures were greater in August than in the other months (Table 1). The solar radiation varied from 11.1 to 17.0 MJ m day over the crop period. The average relative humidity was 80.3%. Total 814.4 mm rainfall, with the maximum quantity in second fortnight of August and first fortnight of September (during flowering and development stages of soybean), occurred during the crop season. No irrigation was applied to the crop except during 2018, one irrigation was given in the month of July due to mid-season drought. The reference evapotranspiration (ET
o) was 5.6 mm day that fluctuated with the varying air temperature and solar radiation. Indeterminate variety of soybean ASB 22, was planted on June 26 in 2017, June 27, during 2018 and June 15 in 2019. The experimental plots (6 m × 6 m= 36 m
2) were laid out with split plot design with three replications. Main plot treatments were methods of planting: M
1- Flat bed, M
2- Broad bed and Furrow, and sub plot treatments were : seed rates; S
1- 75 kg ha
-1 (30 × 10 cm), S
2- 50 kg ha
-1 (30 × 15 cm), S
3- 38 kg ha
-1 (30 × 20 cm), S
4- 20 kg ha
-1 (30 × 30 cm) . This resulted in a total of 24 plots in the field. Each of the plots was separated by 0.5 m of transition zone while each of the replications was demarcated by a buffer zone of 1 m in between. Broad bed and furrows were laid by tractor drawn broad bed and furrow former. Each broad bed was constructed with 120 cm width and 6 m length and 30 cm of furrow in between the broad beds which act as dead furrow used for storage of moisture.
Undisturbed soil samples were collected from the root zone of soybean: 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil proûle under each treatment by using core samplers. Texturally, the soil in the study site was heavy black soil in the 0-30 cm soil layer. The bulk density of the soil were determined by drying the samples in oven at 105°C for 24 h and recorded 1.02, 1.0, 0.98 for 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively. Soil organic matter (OM) content was determined by ignition method in which weight loss of the soil samples on ignition was measured. The duration of the growth stages was determined using the procedures in
Burton (1987). Plant heights were measured using a meter rule. SWS at vegetative (VE - V2) and reproductive stages namely: flowering (FL), pod initiation (PI), seed filling (SF) and maturity (MT) were determined by using Eq. (1)
(He et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2013).
1/4 × Zi
1/4 × n ......(1)
SW= Total soil water storage (mm).
θ¼ = Moisture content for soil root zone.
Zi¼ = Soil layer (mm).
n = Number of soil layers.
Flowering and pod initiation lasted for 20 and 6 days, while seed filling and maturity took 32 and 18 days, respectively in 2017. The comparative length of the stages in 2018 and 19 were 16, 7, 37 and 18 days. The total SWS was determined for the upper 30 cm depth where more than 90% of the active roots were located
(Li et al., 2007) by adding the SWS from 0 to 10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm at the stated stage. After maturity on September 18
th, 2017 at 117 days after planting (DAP), October 13
th, 2018 at 120 DAP and October 13
th, 2019 at 123 DAP. Plants within 36 m
2 at the central rows were harvested, threshed and grain yields per hectare were estimated. Above ground biomass at harvest time was taken from 30 m
2 (120 plants) from three replicates, oven dried at 70°C for 24 h and dry above ground biomass (DAB) per unit area was estimated. Harvest index (HI) was determined from the ratio of the harvested grain yield to DAB.