Effect of tillage and nitrogen management on root length and nodules per plant
Tillage practices had significantly influenced on root length of fodder cowpea (Table 1). Among tillage practices, significantly higher root length at 30 DAS was recorded in ZT over, RB and CT. While at harvesting, highest root length was recorded in ZT over, CT however, at harvesting ZT is statistically at par with RB. Higher root length under ZT may be due to better soil physical environment, aeration, better water regimes, lesser soil compaction, carbon sequestration, soil organic carbon and soil enzymatic activities were relatively more under ZT than CT. Similar results were also reported by
Kayombo et al., (1991) and
Dixit et al., (2019).
The nitrogen management options had significant effect on root length and nodules per plant through out the growth stages. It was observed that, at initial stage of plant growth (30 DAS) lowest root length was recorded in control. However, root length increased up to application of 75%N+rhizobium inoculation over rest of treatments but 75%N+ Rhizobium is statistically on par with 100%N and 100% N+rhizobium. At harvesting significantly higher root length was observed in 75%N+ rhizobium over 75%N and control. The root length was increased due to application of lower dose of chemical nitrogen (75%N)+rhizobium inoculation increased the biosynthesis of growth regulator such as auxin, cytokinin and GA which stimulate rhizosphere microbes, improved nutrient uptake and boost up biological nitrogen fixation resulted higher root length was recorded under lower level of N application these findings was supported by
Jnawali et al., (2015) and
Bullock et al., (1992).
Chemical N application had significant effect on root nodulation in cowpea. It was reported in present findings that negative effect on root nodules formation with successive increase the chemical N alone from zero to 125%. However, N application with inoculation of rhizobia has significantly increase number of root nodules up to 75% N+rhizobium application. The negative effect of chemical N application on root nodulation is due to inhibitory effect on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Nodulation and nitrogen fixation by legumes is adversely affected by higher doses of fertilizer N. Fertilizer N especially nitrate, affects nodulation mainly by destroying indole acetic acid, reducing lectin production by the host, decreased root hair formation and root hair curling, limiting the attachment of rhizobia on root hair, decrease in lectin binding site; decrease in infection thread formation, inhibits initial cell division in the root cortex and integrity of bacteroids in the nodules due to the decreased supply of photosynthate to nodules, the loss of O
2 binding ability of leghemoglobin and there by inhibit the process of nitrogen fixation
Dogra and Dudeja (1993) and
Upadhyay and Singh (2016).
Effect of tillage and nitrogen management on growth attributes and fodder yield
The tillage practices had significant effect (ZT and RB) on higher plant height, number of leaves, number of primary branches and fodder yield (Table 2) over CT but ZT was statistically on par with RB. The increasing growth attributes resulted in increased green fodder yield in RB to the tune of 2.70 and 12.28% over ZT and CT, respectively. The higher growth and yield of cowpea due the compound effects of better nutrients, improved soil physical health, better water regimes, besides improved soil quality such as organic carbon, porosity, soil enzymatic activity, microbial biomass and structural stability under ZT and RB compared to CT
(Singh et al., 2011; So et al., 2009; Ram et al., 2017) contradictory results also reported by
Aikins and Afuakwa (2010). The nitrogen management options had significant effect on plant height, no of leaves, leaf width, leaf length, no of branches and yield (Table 2) of cowpea. The growth attributes and yield has increased with the increasing levels of nitrogen application up to 75% N with rhizobia inoculationover control and 75% N alone. However, successive increase N application had also increase no of leaves and leaf width up to 100% N with rhizobia application as a result increase the green fodder yield of cowpea up to 75% N with rhizobia application. The successive increase of nitrogen level and rhizobium inoculation increased the cell division, formation of co enzyme and enzymes resulted in cell elongation and chlorophyll content, which accelerated meristematic activity of plant cells that lead increase in internodes length and luxuriant vegetative growth besides better root development, high photosynthetic rate, better acceleration of carbohydrates and higher dry matter accumulation with amplify nitrogen levels. Similarly findings were also reported by
Jnawali et al., (2015), Kumar et al., (2015) and
Upadhyay and Singh (2016).
Effect of tillage practices and nitrogen management on soil health and available nutrients
Soil pH, EC and available nutrients (N, P and K) did not differ significantly between treatments (Table 3). A marginal decline in the pH was observed in all the treatments except RB comparison to initial pH (7.30). However, marginal increase in EC value as compared to initial EC (0.35) across the treatments. Similarly, marginal increase in SOC value in ZT condition. The initial available N, P and K status in soil was 188.45, 23.56 and 271.12 kg ha
-1. After 2 years, available N in soil was significantly increased in ZT and decline in CT and RB treatments in comparison to their initial value. However, the available P and K was almost similar value in all the treatments. The soil has buffering capacity to resist changes in physical properties like pH, EC and SOC. Similar findings also reported by
Neugschwandtner et al., (2014). Higher dose of N application resulted in slightly decreased in pH was due to the soil acidification was greater with application of more than 120 kg N/ha then with no application (
Lungu and Dynoodt 2008). However, reverse trend was observed in EC which increase slightly from 0.35 to 0.40 might be due to salt accumulation with application of chemical fertilizer. The slightly increase in SOC may be due to; the soil tilling breaking of soil aggregates and lower porosity in CT which resulted in higher losses of SOC and nutrients, due to increases organic matter decomposition and decreases carbon content by increasing organic matter oxidation,
(Thomas et al., 2007) and
Parihar et al., (2016). The biofertiliser application enriching the nutrient pools in addition it stimulates rhizosphere microbe’s activity, ultimately enhance available nutrients
Bullock (1992) and
Jnawali et al., (2015).
Effect of tillage practices and nitrogen management on nitrogen budgeting
The N budgeting was effected by tillage and nitrogen management practices (Table 4), higher actual N gain (2.49 kg/ha) over initial soil available nitrogen wasrecorded in ZT but actual loss was higher in CT (-15.61 kg/ha) and RB (-10.84 kg/ha). In CT have low SOC content due to higher soil aeration under CT, destruction of soil macro aggregate to expose inaccessible organic matter, tillage increase soil CO
2 efflux due to aggregate distraction and biological mineralization of SOC and SOM
(Kristensen et al., 2000; Aziz et al., 2015) besides increase the temperature of tilled soil due to organic material mixing resulted in to mineralization of crop biomass and rapid decomposition of buried organic substances in tilled soils
(Alvarez et al., 2001) resulted in to low available N under CT.
In ZT conditions more suitable environment due to better soil biological, chemical and physical conditions. ZT results in the deposition of crop residues on upper soil surface may probably decompose at a slower rate, which reduce moisture and energy exchange from soil to atmosphere resulted in to increase the moisture content and decreasesoil temperature and aeration, thus allowing plant organic residues to stay intact for longer period of time and thereby facilitating more C accumulation and higher microbial population with greater number of fungi and various microbes and earthworms under NT (
Holland and Coleman, 1987;
Dou and Hons, 2006;
Aziz et al., 2015). Moreover, surface placement of crop residues may accelerates humification of organic matter due to greater atmospheric exposure and interactions, which facilitate greater microbial decomposition and thus favor C accumulation under NT over time
(Aziz et al., 2015). Nitrogen application has also effect on nitrogen budgeting, higher actual gain was recorded in 100% N+rhizobia application (7.72 kg/ha) and 125%N (1.78 kg/ha) over initial N content (Table 4). The highest apparent gain was recorded in control might be due to the rhizosphere microbes utilized the maximum potential for regaining nutrient status (N) with supported from external and internal sources. Similar findings were also reported by
Sharma and Banik (2012).