Experimental site
The Experimental Farm of CSKHPKV, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India is situated at an elevation of 1290.8 meters above mean sea level with 32°6¢ N latitude and 76°3¢ E longitude. The area is characterized by humid and temperate climate (Zone-I), having severe winters and mild summers with high annual rainfall of 2500 mm of which 80 per cent is received during June-September. The soil is classified as Alfisols typic-Hapludalf clay and is acidic in reaction (pH 5-5.6).
Experimental materials and breeding activities
To ascertain the genetics of various horticultural traits, twelve generations
viz., P
1, P
2, F
1, F
2, B
1, B
2, B
1S, B
2S, B
11, B
12, B
21 and B
22 of three intervarietal crosses were developed by utilizing the four diverse parents namely, Palam Sumool, Punjab-89, Azad P-1 and Palam Priya. The F
1’s and first backcross generations (B
1 and B
2) had already been developed in winter 2011-12 and 2012-13, respectively and were raised during summer 2013 at Highland Agricultural Research and Extension Centre, Kukumseri to develop second backcross generations (B
11, B
12, B
21 and B
22) and their selfed progenies (B
1S and B
2S) under open field conditions. The seeds of these generations were multiplied by raising the respective populations at Experimental Farm of CSKHPKV, Palampur during winter 2013-14 under polyhouse conditions. Simultaneously, F
1’s were backcrossed with their respective parents to increase the quantity of seeds of B
1 and B
2 generations. Quantity of seeds of second backcross generations was also multiplied in each cross combination.
Experimental layout
rabi, 2014-15, the experimental material comprises of twelve generations
viz., P
1, P
2, F
1, F
2, B
1, B
2, B
1S, B
2S, B
11, B
12, B
21 and B
22 was evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design in three replications at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSKHPKV, Palampur. The sowing was undertaken by assigning single row to parents and F
1’s, four rows to each backcross generations and six rows to F
2’s and second cycle of backcross generations. The seeds were sown keeping inter and intra-row spacing of 45 cm and 10 cm, respectively in a row length of 2.5 m. All the intercultural operations were carried out in accordance with the recommended schedule (Anonymous, 2009).
Data collection and analysis
The non-segregating generations consisted of homologous population while segregating comprises of heterogeneous population. Accordingly, the data were recorded on 10 randomly selected competitive plants of each parents and F
1’s, 20 plants in each backcross generations (B
1 and B
2) and second cycle of backcross generations (B
11, B
12, B
21 and B
22) and 30 plants in each F
2’s, B
1S and B
2S. In the process of random selection, the border plants were avoided. The quality parameters recorded were total soluble solids (Brix), ascorbic acid content (mg/100g), protein content (%), total sugars (%) and powdery mildew disease severity (%). Standard statistical procedures were used to obtain mean and variance for each generation separately. While calculating variances, the replicate effect was eliminated from total variances to obtain within replication variance. These variances were used to compute the standard error for each generation mean. The simple scaling tests (A, B, C and D) given by Mather (1949) and Hayman and Mather (1955) were followed for the detection of digenic interactions. The A, B, C and D values were calculated by the following formulae:
The expectations of above scaling tests, when equal to zero indicate the absence of non-allelic interactions. The significant deviation of A and B tests from zero indicate the presence of all three types of epistatic interactions
viz., additive × additive (i), additive × dominance (j) and dominance × dominance (l) whereas, C scaling test reveals the presence of dominance × dominance (l) type of interaction and D scaling test indicates the significance of additive × additive (i) type of gene interaction. The significant deviation of any of the scaling tests A, B, C and D from zero, indicates the presence of digenic interactions, otherwise adequacy of additive-dominance model was assumed.
Scaling tests for detecting of trigenic and higher order interactions were carried out as per Vander Veen (1959), by using formulae:
The significant deviation of any of the scaling tests X and Y from zero, revealed the presence of trigenic or higher order interactions. Estimation of various genic effects and test of fitness of appropriate genetic model was done according to Joint Scaling Test of Cavalli (1952), as described in detail by Mather and Jinks (1982). Joint scaling test in general consists of estimating various genetic parameters from means of available type of generations followed by the comparison of observed generation means with expected values, derived from the estimates of genetic parameters (genic effects) using weighted least square technique, taking weights as the reciprocals of squared standard errors of each mean. The tests of goodness of fit for a particular model were carried out by using weighted chi-square analysis. The estimation of genic effects and chi-square test of goodness of fit were carried out, using 3-, 6- and 10-parameter model. In three-parameter model (additive-dominance model or non-epistatic model), the following genic effects were estimated:
m = Inbred population mean.
(d) = Additive.
(h) = Dominance.
In six-parameter model (digenic interaction model), the following genic effects in addition to m, (d) and (h) were estimated:
(i) = Additive × Additive
(j) = Additive × Dominance
(l) = Dominance × Dominance
In ten-parameter model (trigenic interaction model), besides the above mentioned effects, the following genic effects were estimated:
(w) = Additive × Additive × Additive
(x) = Additive × Additive × Dominance
(y) = Additive × Dominance × Dominance
(z) = Dominance × Dominance × Dominance
First, simple additive-dominance model consisting of (m), (d) and (h) gene effects was tried and the adequacy of this model was tested by the chi-square test. When this model failed to explain variation among generation means, successively non-allelic digenic interaction parameters
i.e. (i), (j) and (l) were included in this model. Inadequacy of digenic interaction model led to the successive use of trigenic interaction model consisting of parameters namely, (w), (x), (y) and (z). Thus, all possible models with different combinations of epistatic parameters were tried to identify the best fit model with minimum or non-significant value of chi-square with maximum number of significant parameters as suggested by Mather and Jinks (1982).