The pooled analysis of variance due to parents and hybrids for nine characters are presented in Table 1. It revealed that the variance due to environments was significant for all characters. Variances due to genotypes and genotype × environment was significant for all the characters, except number of pods per cluster. In case of analysis of variance for combining ability, variance due to environment was significant for all the traits, except for plant height and number of clusters per plant. Variances due to lines were significant for all the traits, except number of pods per cluster and number of pods per plant. These results indicated that lines had significant differences for
gca effect for these traits. Variance due to tester was significant only for plant height. It indicated the presence of significant differences for
gca effects of testers for this trait. Interaction effect of lines and testers was significant for number of clusters per plant, number of pods per plant, 100-seed weight and seed yield per plant. It indicates that
sca effect of hybrids had significant differences for these traits. Environment × tester was significant for 100-seed weight while environment × line was not significant for any of the traits. It indicated that
gca effects of testers for 100-seed weight alone had influence of environment. The
gca effects of other traits of testers as well as of lines was not affected by the environment. The environment × line × testers variance was significant for all traits, except for plant height, pod length and 100-seed weight. It indicated that the
sca effects of hybrids had significant influence of environment on all traits except plant height, pod length and 100-seed weight. The estimates of additive and dominance variances revealed the preponderance of additive gene action for all the characters, except number of pods per cluster (Table 2). Preponderance of additive variances in the expression of different characters in blackgram was also reported by
Baradhan and Thangavel (2011),
Cheralu et al., (1999), Dana and Das Gupta (2001),
Govindaraj and Subramanian (2001),
Singh Mohar (2008) and
Thamodharan et al., (2015).
The success of any breeding programme largely depends on the choice of parents used in the hybridization.
Gilbert (1958) suggested that the parents with good
per se performance would result in better hybrids. Genotypes with high
per se performance and high
gca effects could be useful in evolving promising genotypes in the breeding programmes. The
gca effect is due to additive gene action and fixable (
Sprague and Tatum, 1942). Hence parents with desirable
per se and gca effects need to be involved in breeding programmes.
Per se performance is an important and foremost criterion in the choice of parents in any plant breeding programmes.In the present study, lines
viz., MDU 1 and CO 5 were on par with the best check VBN 8 for seed yield per plant and other characters
viz., number of pods per cluster, number of pods per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight (Table 3). Besides Vamban 3, CO 5 and MDU1 exhibited superior
per se performance for number of clusters per plant. Among the testers Mash 1008 recorded significantly high mean for number of clusters per plant and number of pods per plant. Parents
viz., ADT 5, Mash 114, Mash 1008, VBN 6 and VBN 8 had on par performance for plant height with VBN 8.The second criterion of selection of parents is the general combining ability effect of parents. Among lines MDU 1 recorded significantly positive for seed yield per plant and other characters
viz., number of clusters per plant and100-seed weight (Table 4). Vamban 3 had significantly positive
gca for number of branches per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight. ADT 5 and Mash 114 recorded significant negative
gca effect of plant height. Among testers Mash 1008 was found to be a good general combiner for number of branches per plant, number of clusters per plant. VBN (Bg) 4 had good general combining ability for 100-seed weight.
Griffing (1956) suggested that high
gca effect is relative to additive type of gene action that represents the fixable genetic variation. Hence the genotypes with good combining ability effects for seed yield and component traits namely, MDU 1, Vamban 3, Mash 1008 and VBN (Bg) 4 may be considered as desirable for recombination breeding programme.
Among the hybrids MDU 1 × Mash 1008 and MDU 1 × VBN 8 recorded significantly superior seed yield per plant than best check VBN 8 (Table 5). These crosses also recorded superior mean for number of branches per plant, number of clusters per plant and number of pods per plant. In addition, the cross MDU 1 × VBN 8 also had superior mean for number of seeds per pod. Among these crosses, Vamban 3 × VBN (Bg) 4 showed superior mean performance for number of branches per plant, number of clusters per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pods and 100-seed weight. Hence the crosses
viz., MDU 1 × Mash 1008, MDU 1 × VBN 8, Vamban 3 × Mash 114 and Vamban 3 × VBN (Bg) 4 were considered as desirable based on mean performance for seed yield and component traits. The specific combining ability is the deviation from the predicted performance on the basis of general combining ability (
Allard, 1956).In contrast to
gca effects, the
sca effects represent dominance and epistatic variation that are not fixable. Among the crosses based on
per se performance, the hybrids Vamban 3 × Mash 114 and Vamban 3 × VBN (Bg) 4 showed significant positive
sca effect for number of clusters per plant and number of branches per plant, respectively. All other traits had non-significant
sca effects in these two crosses. MDU 1 x Mash 1008 and MDU 1 × VBN 8 showed non-significant
scafor all the traits, except for number of clusters per plant (Table 6). The present findings were also supported by the findings of Anbu Selvam and Elangaimannan (2010), Isha
Parveen et al., (2012), Gill et al., (2014), Vijay
Kumar et al., (2014) and
Panigrahi et al., (2015). One of the parents involved in these crosses, MDU 1, was found to be a good general combiner for seed yield per plant, number of clusters per plant and number of pods per plant. The gene action involved in these crosses may be of additive type. Hence, MDU 1 × Mash 1008 and MDU 1 × VBN 8 may be used for further selection through pedigree breeding to obtain high yielding segregants.
In the present study, out of nine parents, MDU 1 recorded high
per se performance and good general combining ability for seed yield per plant and other yield component traits. The hybrids
viz., MDU 1 × Mash 1008 and MDU 1 × VBN 8, recorded high
per se and additive type of gene action for seed yield and component traits. Hence, these crosses could be used for further selection through pedigree breeding to obtain high yielding segregants.