The estimation of genetic diversity in gene pools conserved in the gene banks is important for deciphering the nature and magnitude of variability and genetic relationship between traits for the efficient management and use of germplasm
(Stoilova et al., 2013; Blair et al., 2010; Szilagyi et al., 2011). The germplasm evaluation process has been found to be useful for preliminary characterisation and discrimination of accessions to understand the level of genetic diversity existing in gene pool
(Foschiani et al., 2009; Atilla et al., 2010; Szilagyi et al., 2011). Keeping above facts in view, the present investigation was carried out to evaluate the genetic variability, association among yield contributing traits and genetic diversity in common bean germplasm. The germplasm noticed a wide range of genetic variability for all traits studied among 63 accessions including three check varieties with the experimental results are discussed below.
Analysis of variance for nine quantitative traits
The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all characters studied, indicating a high degree of variability in the material (Table 2). The mean sum of squares for all traits for different sources of variation. The block effect (unadjusted) showed only days to 50% flowering was significant while all other traits showed non-significant. On the other hand, the treatment effects (adjusted) were noticed significant for all traits expect days to 50% flowering and number of branches per plant. Likewise, the treatment effects (unadjusted) were noticed non-significant for all the traits studied. Similarly, the effects due to checks showed significant for all traits except days to 50% flowering and pod length and varieties were significant. However, the adjusted block effects were non-significant for all traits except days to 50% flowering, pods per plant, seed per pod and seed yield per plant indicating homogeneity of the evaluation blocks. Similarly, the mean square due to checks v/s Augmented (genotypes) was significant for all the traits except days to 50% flowering, indicating thereby that the test entries were significantly different from the checks except for days to 50% flowering. Similar findings were observed by
Sajad et al., (2014); Iram
Saba et al., (2017). In addition to above, the paired t test was estimated to compares the means of two paired groups, to understand the whether there was a difference in mean of traits after two year of germplasm evaluation under open filed condition. The results showed that genotypes were highly significantly different for the mean value of days to fifty percent flowering, days to maturity, number of pods per plant and seed yield per plant (g) (Table 6) and these genotypes can be utilized for breeding programme for improvement of specific traits.
Mean, range, variance, coefficient of variance, heritability and genetic advance
Knowledge of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance of important economic traits and their genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficient among themselves, plays an important role in the breeding programme of any crop. The success of a breeding programme depends on the genetic variability present in the population. Therefore, partitioning of the phenotypic variation into genetic and environmental variation is necessary. In our investigation, we have estimated simple variance parameters and genetic variation components such as phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), heritability and genetic advance. The statistical analysis of data on quantitative traits showed a wide range of variability among the genotypes studied (Table 3). The mean numbers of DF were 45.98, but it ranged from 32 for genotype HUR 35 to 66 for ET 8494L. DM had a mean value is 103.17, EC14920 and Arun took longest time of 112 days for maturity as compared IC84607 and HUR35 which matures in 65 days. Likewise, PH has a mean value of 36.97, the highest plant height was recorded in GPR203 which is 118 cm as compared to lowest plant height in GPR4190 which is 20.30 cm. The NBP noticed mean value of 3.31, while higher NBP (4.20) is observed for EC565673B, EC14920, IC311676, EC500407, EC400414 and BLF101. In contrast to this, the lower NBP (2.0) were recorded for IC25537 and EC500232. Similarly, Highest NPP (37.0) were recorded in EC400414, while NPP lowest (8.20) were recorded in HURG0478 and average value of NPP is 16.52. The average value PL is 11.74, higher PL (18.23 cm) is recorded in EC400361 and lowest PL (6.25 cm) is recorded in in ET84030. In addition, NSP has mean value of 3.66, genotype EC150250 were recorded highest NSP (5.64) and lowest NSP (2.76) were recorded in EC41702. In the same manner, highest HSW noticed in PL227468 (84.93 gm) while lowest HSW (14.14) were recorded in EC150250 and average HSW of genotypes were recorded as 48.42 gm. It is observed that variation found in size was significantly wider (14.14-84.93 g/HSW) in the genotypes. These results were in consistent with findings of different researcher who have reported wide variation in seed per pod, shape and size in bean germplasm
(Cabral et al., 2010; Lioi et al., 2012). Further, SYP were noticed mean value of 21.38 gm, highest SYP were recorded in EC400398 (50.63 gm) while lowest SYP were observed in ET8490 (19.32). These results were in agreement with studies conducted by
Singh et al., (1991) and
Bitocchi et al., (2012).
It is also observed that the estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were higher than those of genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all the traits studied. It is indicating that environmental factors influencing the characters (Table 3). The highest PCV and GCV were recorded for PH, NBP, NPP, NSP, HSW (g) and SYP (g). Indicating, presence of ample variation for these traits in the present material. These results were in accordance with the findings of
Singh et al., (1994); Nimbalkar et al., (2002). Higher GCV coupled with heritability and genetic advance as % mean was recorded for PH, NPP, HSW and SYP as compared to rest of the traits. These results specify that; GCV alone will not be sufficient for the determination of the magnitude of heritable variation. GCV together with heritability estimates will give a better picture of the expected genetic gain from selection. Hence, selection of genotypes for the breeding programme for these traits was highly effective. Our results were in conformity with the findings of
Syed et al., (2012) and Asati and Singh (2008). In addition to this, high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as % mean was recorded in DF, PH, NPP, PL, HSW and SYP. This indicated that these traits might be under the influence of additive gene interactions and the use of simple selection methods may bring significant improvement for these traits. Our results were in agreement with the findings of Kumar (2008); Ahmad and Kamaluddin, (2013); Rai
et al., (2010);
Sharma et al., (2012).
Correlation studies
To utilize various quantitative characters in a breeding program, interrelationship between the characters are of immense value. The genotypic correlation coefficients between seed yield and its components are presented in Table 4. The seed yield per plant exhibited significant positive correlation with NBP, NPP, NSP and HSW. This suggested that the direct selection of these traits would likely be effective in increasing seed yield. Similar findings were observed by other researchers such as Asati and Singh (2008) and
Pandey et al., (2013). The significant positive correlation of NPP with NSP, PL and NBP showed that the selection of any of these traits may favour improvement in other traits also whereas negative correlation with HSW may adversely affect the gain. Likewise, HSW and PL having significant positive correlation with NSP. This indicated that indirect selection of these traits was highly effective for crop improvement programmes. Similar results were reported by Ahmed and Kamaluddin (2013);
Mudasir et al., (2012); Sofi et al., (2014).
Cluster analysis
Every crop breeding programme has been aimed at the improvement of yield, adaptation, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and end-use quality. However, breeding objectives have changed over the years beyond yield improvement (Yong, 2015). New cultivars need to be developed with the capacity to achieve high yields in reduced chemical-input systems and with the genetic diversity needed to maintain yield stability under fluctuating climatic conditions
(Heinemann et al., 2014). Thus, estimation of genetic diversity is a platform for stratified sampling of breeding population and to identify the desired genotypes for hybridization and use of genetically diverse parents is known to provide an opportunity for bringing together gene constellation yielding desirable transgressive segregants in advanced generations. Through Euclidian Clustering method, 63 genotypes were confined to two major clusters. The clustering pattern gave a different picture with cluster I containing 37 genotypes and cluster II consist 26 genotypes. Within cluster I two sub cluster were formed. It might be due to genotypes relatively dissimilar within the same genepool. Similarly, in case cluster II multiple sub cluster were formed (Fig 1). Our results were in conformity with the findings of
Gangadhara et al., (2014); Boros et al., (2014); Ankit et al., (2017) and
Rana et al., (2015) According to the cluster means, cluster II showed better performance in the case of pod length, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight. This indicated genetic distance and closeness among accessions due to different genetic constitutions. Hence, the genotype of this cluster could be used as parent in future hybridization programme for higher seed yield. Despite this, based on the genetic diversity study, traits specific germplasm accessions were identified from inter cluster group such as early maturity (EC400419, GPR4189, EC565673A), no. of primary branches (EC400414, EC564797, EC-150250), pod length (EC565673A, PL227468, GPR4189), no. of seeds per pod (HUR53, EC500232, BLF-101), resistance to BCMV (EC150250, GPR203, EC400414), upright branching (BLF101, EC500232) and bold seed type (EC-400414) (Table 5). These selected germplasms serve as useful genetic resource for plant breeder for the development of common bean varieties for high yield and BCMV disease resistance. Accordingly, the mean value of selected promising genotypes and checks was indicated in Table 7.