Frequency distribution of 258 germplasm accessions of white clover based on five qualitative traits (Fig 1) and analysis of the basic data collected on the 20 continuously varying traits (Table 1) showed wide variation for most of the evaluated traits in white clover germplasm.
Maggs Kölling et al., (2000),
Prosperi et al., (2006) and
Morris (2009) also used univariate statistics for analyzing the variability in germplasm of different crops. The results of descriptive statistical analysis showed that characters
viz., seed yield (0.10-2.81 q/ha), dry matter yield (0.01-3.93 t/ha) and green fodder yield (0.11-32.70 t/ha) are the highly variable, plant height (1.08-15.94 cm), petiole length (0.77-13.06 cm), internode length (0.33-5.16 cm), number of heads/plant (0.64-12.35), number of seeds/head (14.58-261.60) are moderately variable and days to 50% flowering (102-141 days), 1000-seed weight (0.35-0.75 g), floret length (0.58-1.20 cm) and diameter of head (1.08-4.32 cm) are least variable traits based on their respective CV percentage value. These significant differences could be attributed to the diverse genetic composition of the population comprising of dissimilar germplasm accessions. The wide range of variation observed in agro-morphological characters offers an immense scope in evaluation and selection of desirable populations for their utilization in future white clover breeding programme. A lot of genetic variability has been reported both within and between white clover populations for biomass and seed yield contributing traits
(Caradus et al., 1989).
The variability reported in the seed yield, green fodder yield and dry matter yield could directly be exploited for pasture improvement of mid Himalayan region. Days to 50% flowering and thousand seed weight are important traits for survival through different maturity times and initial establishment of seedling in pasture land, respectively. Therefore, introduction/collection of germplasm which are variable for these traits will enhance white clover breeding programme. Further, genetic diversity in these traits can be introgressed through wide hybridization, mutation or other genetic modification.
Correlation analysis
Pearson’s correlation coefficients for twenty traits, among the possible 190 correlation combinations, 49 character pairs showed significant correlation either in positive or negative direction. The positive association of dry matter yield with green fodder yield, seed yield and TSW and negative association with internode length and days to 50% heading.
Shivade et al., (2011) also reported positive association of dry matter yield and seed yield in black gram. Seed yield showed positive association with peduncle length, number of seeds per floret, number of seeds per head, green fodder yield and dry matter yield and negative association with number of heads per plant, internode length and days to 50% heading (Fig 2). The positive association between seed yield and number of florets per inflorescence was also reported by
Jahufer and Gawler (2000) in white clover and
Rao (2016) in groundnut. The correlations among others agro-morphological traits were also recorded. Number of stolons showed high positive association with stolon length. Plant height showed positive significant association with petiole length, leaflet length and width, peduncle length, floret length, number of seed per floret and head diameter. Petiole length showed positive association with peduncle length and number of seeds per floret and negative association with internode length. Significant correlation coefficient of dry matter yield with green fodder yield and seed yield showed that these characters may be successfully used as selection criteria in improving both forage production potential and grain yield simultaneously.
Jahufer and Gawler (2000) also advocated the improvement in seed yield and biomass yield simultaneously by selecting germplasm for superior agronomic and herbage yield attributes along with high seed yield.
Principal component analysis
The principal component analysis was erective in that the first seven principal components accounted for 62.74% of the total variation among the 258 germplasm accessions of white clover (Table 2). Scatter plot of white clover germplasm (Fig 3) based on 20 agronomic traits showing that first three principal components explained about 35% of total variation. According to
Johnson and Wichern (2002) it is possible to decide the importance of traits in the different principal components. Accordingly, in the first principal component, number of seeds/head, green fodder yield, dry matter yield and seed yield were the most important traits contributing to variation that explained 13.55 per cent of total variance. In the second principal component, which describe 12.29% of total variance originated mainly from stolon length, nodes/stolon, plant height and leaflet width. Similarly, the plant height, petiole length, leaflet length, number of florets/head and floret length constituted a large part of total variance among white clover germplasm explained by the third principal component. In the fourth principal component, which describe 8% of total variance originated mainly from green fodder yield, dry matter yield, number of seeds/floret and number of seeds/head.
Cluster analysis
The cluster analysis placed 258 white clover germplasm into two clusters (Fig 4). Cluster one was included 85 accessions while cluster two included remaining 173 accessions. Out of total 47 exotic accessions that was introduced from United Kingdom, 16 accessions were included in first cluster and remaining 31 were included in cluster second. Similarly, indigenous collections were also distributed in both clusters. The distribution of germplasm accessions in the study indicated that the geographical origin did not have any bearing on clustering pattern. The genotypes within the same cluster although formed specific clusters but were collected from different places, which indicated that the geographical distribution and genetic divergence did not follow the same trend.
Murty and Arunachalam (1966) also mention that genetic drift and selection in different environment could cause greater diversity than geographical distance. Further more, there was a free exchange of seed material among the different regions. As a consequence, the trait constellation might be associated with particular region and in nature loose their individuality under human interference. However, in some cases, effect of geographical origin influenced clustering in white clover
(Caradus et al., 1989). So, geographic distribution was not the sole criterion of genetic diversity.
Evaluation of selected high biomass producing populations
Out of 258 populations, ten high biomass producing populations including Palampur Composite-1 were selected and further evaluated for two years for biomass yield, seed yield and crude protein yield (Table 3). Out of selected ten populations, three populations
viz., RRCPL-13 (15.74 q/ha/year), RRCPL-19 (17.25 q/ha/year), RRCPL-27 (18.79 q/ha/year) were better than the check variety Palampur Composite-1 (14.99 q/ha/year) in biomass and seed yield production. The selected populations could carry the favorable alleles for biomass yield, seed yield and forage quality. Therefore these selected populations could be utilized either in varietal development programme directly or further improvement through recurrent selection.