Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 44 issue 6 (june 2021) : 706-711

Variation in Dry Matter Production, Partitioning, Yield and its Correlation in Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Genotypes

Mohammed Anwar Ali1,*, Anjan Kumar Pal2, Ananya Baidya2, Sunil Kumar Gunri3
1Department of Crop Physiology, Agricultural College, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Bapatla-522 101, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741 252, West Bengal, India.
3Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741 252, West Bengal, India.
  • Submitted30-03-2019|

  • Accepted04-09-2019|

  • First Online 09-11-2019|

  • doi 10.18805/LR-4144

Cite article:- Ali Anwar Mohammed, Pal Kumar Anjan, Baidya Ananya, Gunri Kumar Sunil (2019). Variation in Dry Matter Production, Partitioning, Yield and its Correlation in Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Genotypes . Legume Research. 44(6): 706-711. doi: 10.18805/LR-4144.
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the world’s most popular oilseed crops. Nut yield in groundnut is polygenically controlled and is influenced by its component characters. A field experiment was conducted to study the variation in respect of kernel yield and its component characters along with dry matter production and partitioning at important vegetative and reproductive growth stages in nineteen genotypes of groundnut. The correlation studies were also conducted to prioritize morphological and physiological traits for improving yield. Genotypes exhibited significant differences among them in respect of kernel yield and its all attributes.  Highly significant differences were recorded in respect of dry matter production and partitioning to different plant parts at pre-anthesis (30 DAS) and post-anthesis pod filling (60 DAS) stages. 
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) also known as peanut, is one of the world’s most popular oilseed crops, grown as oil seed, food and feed crop. It contains 45-50% oil and 25-30% digestible protein (Nath and Alam, 2002). In India groundnut occupies nearly 28.3% of the cultivated area and contributes 31.7% of the production of total oil seed.
Dry matter partitioning into reproductive organs is largely determined by the transfer of assimilates between vegetative and reproductive sink (Ricardo et al., 1996). Although reproductive development is important for pod yield, early vegetative development regulates reproductive capacity (Awal and Ikeda, 2003). Thus rate and duration of dry matter accumulation would appear to have relevance in pod and kernel yield determination in groundnut (Uguru, 1998).
Groundnut has indeterminate growth habit, hence growth and development of reproductive and vegetative organs overlap. This causes low fruiting efficiency due to interorgan competition for photo-assimilates and other metabolites. Consequently, there is improper partitioning of assimilates to the developing pods and seeds. The most prominent constraint in the low yield is extended duration of flowering and variable pod sizes (Sharma and Sardana, 2012). Translocation of photosynthates within groundnut plant is not random and follows a definite pattern, and this pattern is changed during different phases of plant growth Malik et al., (1995) and Parmar et al., (1989).
This experiment was envisaged to study the dry matter production and its partitioning to different plant parts during pre and post-anthesis pod filling stage and at harvest in nineteen genotypes of groundnut. Correlation between yield and its attributes was analysed for prioritization of selection indices to obtain high yield.
The experimental material for the present study comprised of nineteen genotypes of (Arachis hypogaea L.) was collected from AICRP on Groundnut, Kalyani, India. Genotypes were subjected to yield trial in the year 2015 (Pre-summer). The observations were recorded on dry matter production and partitioning, yield and its important attributes.
The field experiment was conducted at In-check Farm, BCKV, Kalyani, Nadia. The soil texture of the experimental plot was sandy loam with pH 6.9-7.0. The design of the experiment was a randomized block design (RBD), replicated thrice. Uniform spacing of 30 cm row to row and 15 cm plant to plant was maintained. Appropriate crop production and protection measures were followed to raise a healthy crop.
Dry matter production and partitioning
The data on dry matter production in plants and its partitioning to different plant parts were recorded at 30 (pre-flowering stage) and 60 DAS (post-flowering pod development stage). Three plants from each replication for each genotype were uprooted carefully. The plants were separated into different parts- root, stem, branches, leaves and pods. All the parts were dried in the oven at 80°C till constant weight for dry matter determination.
Yield and yield attributes
Harvest records were taken on five (5) randomly selected plants in each replication for every genotype. Data were recorded on characters viz plant height (cm), days to 1st flowering, days to 50% flowering, number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, pod weight/plant (g), 100-kernel weight (g), shell percentage (calculated as kernel weight/pod weight × 100), total dry matter content of plant (g), number of flowers/plant, pod set percentage (number of mature pods/number of flowers × 100), harvest index (calculated as kernel weight/biological weight × 100) and Kernel weight/plant (g).
Statistical analysis
The mean data on pod yield and its important attributes were subjected to statistical analysis following randomized block design (RBD) by INDOSTAT version 7.1 software. The mean values were statistically compared by Least Significant Difference (LSD) at P ≤ 0.01.
A dendrogram was constructed by Sequential Agglomerative Hierarchical Nested (SAHN) clustering using the Un-weighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) algorithm.
Correlation of kernel yield per plant with different morphological and physiological attributes was calculated using SPSS version 10.0 software.
Dry matter production and its partitioning
Observations were recorded on total dry matter (TDM) production and its partitioning to different plant parts at pre-anthesis (30 DAS) and post-anthesis pod filling stage (60 DAS) in nineteen genotypes of groundnut. The mean values have been presented in (Table 1). The analysis of variance indicated highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the growth characters studied. The perusal of data revealed that the mean values for dry weight of shoot, leaf and whole plant at 30 DAS ranged from 0.15-0.52 g, 0.30-0.78 g and 0.59-1.52 g, respectively. Out of all the genotypes, INS-1-2013-6 registered the highest mean (1.52 g) for total dry weight and it was followed by INS-1-2013-9 (1.40 g). Both these genotypes also recorded high dry matter content in shoot and leaves at 30 DAS. On the contrary, INS-1-2013-34 and INS-1-2013-26 with 0.59 and 0.62 g of total dry matter, respectively, registered the lowest mean and they also showed lower accumulation of dry matter in shoot and leaves as compared to other genotypes at this growth stage.     

Table 1: Dry matter content and its partitioning to different plant parts in nineteen genotypes of groundnut.

Data on dry matter at 60 DAS revealed that the mean values for dry weight in shoot, leaf, immature pod and whole plant ranged from 1.51-3.93 g, 1.94-5.06 g, 0.02-0.88 g and 3.66-10.24 g, respectively. INS-1-2013-7 registered the highest mean (10.24 g) of total dry matter and was followed by INS-1-2013-8 (8.61 g). The genotype INS-1-2013-7 also recorded high mean values for dry matter content in its different above ground parts. The lowest mean for whole plant dry weight was registered by INS-1-2013-12 (3.66 g) and INS-1-2013-34 (4.15 g) and these two genotypes also showed low mean values for shoot and leaf dry weight. However, in the present experiment, INS-1-2013-35 (13.48% of TDM) and INS-1-2013-13 (11.38% of TDM) registered the highest proportion of total dry matter partitioned to reproductive sink (developing pods). INS-1-2013-13 ultimately recorded the highest mean for harvest index and the other genotype INS-1-2013-35 had moderately high value for harvest index at maturity. 

Kernel yield and its component characters
The mean data on kernel yield per plant along with the characters contributing towards yield for the nineteen genotypes of groundnut (Table 2). The analysis of variance indicated that the nineteen genotypes under study differed significantly for all the characters under study except pod set percentage. The perusal of mean values revealed that plant height ranged from 39.70 cm to 94.40 cm. Among the nineteen genotypes, INS-1-2013-2 had the tallest plant (94.40 cm) and it was followed by INS-1-2013-5 (93.50 cm). The lowest plant height was recorded by INS-1-2013-34 (39.70 cm) and it was closely followed by INS-1-2013-35 (44.70 cm).

Table 2: Kernel yield and its important attributes in nineteen genotypes of groundnut.

The days to 1st flower in the nineteen genotypes varied from 38 days to 41 days. The genotypes INS-1-2013-2 and INS-1-2013-12 reached flowering after 38 and 38.33 days, respectively, on an average to initiate first bloom and were the earliest among all the genotypes. On the contrary, the three genotypes INS-1-2013-10, INS-1-2013-11 and INS-1-2013-33 were the late flowering ones and reached flowering after 41 days each. The similar trend was followed in 50% flowering, INS-1-2013-2 was the earliest to complete 50% flowering in 42.66 days, whilst,  INS-1-2013-10 and NS-1-2013-11 attain 50% flowering in 45 and 46 days, respectively.
In the present experiment, the number of primary branches plant-1 exhibited a range from 2.76 to 5.30. Out of nineteen genotypes, INS-1-2013-28 (5.30) and INS-1-2013-26 (5.10) had the highest number of branches whereas INS-1-2013-4 and INS-1-2013-8 with 2.76 and 2.90 number of primary branches per plant, respectively, recorded the lowest mean.
The mean values for number of pods plant-1 among the nineteen genotypes varied from 13.20 to 37.30 (Table 2). The genotype INS-1-2013-8 had the highest number of pods per plant (37.30) and it was followed by INS-1-2013-10 (32.80), while two genotypes INS-1-2013-6 and INS-1-2013-9 with 13.20 and 14.50 pods per plant, respectively, had the lowest mean. The mean values for 100-kernel weight ranged from 41.03 g to 72.63 g. The genotype INS-1-2013-5 had the highest mean (72.63 g) for this character and it was followed by INS-1-2013-13 (68.48 g). The lowest mean was registered by INS-1-2013-8 (41.03 g). The mean values for shell percentage among the nineteen genotypes varied between 65.42% and 77.75%. The genotype INS-1-2013-34 had the highest mean value (77.75%) for shell percentage and it was closely followed by INS-1-2013-13 (77.26%).
The total dry matter content (TDM) in the plant at harvest ranged from 26.44 g to 87.59 g. INS-1-2013-4 registered the highest mean (87.59 g) for TDM per plant and it was closely followed by INS-1-2013-8 (85.29 g). Two genotypes INS-1-2013-28 and INS-1-2013-34 with 26.44 g and 33.69 g TDM, respectively, had the lowest mean for this character. The harvest index (HI) ranged from 12.59% to 34.06%. Both the genotypes, INS-1-2013-13 and INS-1-2013-34 showed the highest value (34.06%) of harvest index. The lowest mean (12.59) of HI was recorded by INS-1-2013-1.
The mean values for number of flowers produced per plant ranged from 101.60 to 266.40. The genotype INS-1-2013-8 had the highest mean for flowers per plant (266.40) and it was closely followed by INS-1-2013-10 (262.40). The lowest mean for this character was recorded by INS-1-2013-9 (101.60) followed by INS-1-2013-6 (105.60).
In the present experiment differences among the nineteen genotypes in respect of pod setting percentage was found to be statistically non-significant. The mean values ranged from 11.59 to 15.64%. This was in contradiction with the early report of Caliskan et al., (2008) who observed significant differences among groundnut genotypes in respect of the percentage of flowers turned to pegs and pods.
The mean values for kernel yield per plant ranged from 6.85 g to 17.22 g. Among all the genotypes, INS-1-2013-8 registered the highest kernel yield (17.22 g), followed by INS-1-2013-5 (15.55 g) and INS-1-2013-4 (13.13 g). The genotype INS-1-2013-1 had the lowest kernel weight per plant (6.85 g), followed by INS-1-2013-7 (7.71 g). 
Summarizing the data on yield and its contributing characters it might be concluded that the three genotypes INS-1-2013-8, INS-1-2013-5 and INS-1-2013-4 were the top ranking genotypes in respect of kernel yield per plant in the present study. Out of these three genotypes, INS-1-2013-8 and INS-1-2013-4 had high mean values for pods per plant and total dry matter of plant, medium plant height but low harvest index. INS-1-2013-8 had small kernel size (expressed as 100-kernel weight), while INS-1-2013-4 showed medium kernel size. On the contrary, the other high yielder INS-1-2013-5 registered low mean for pods per plant and total dry matter but moderately high mean for harvest index and it had tall plant height and the highest mean for 100-kernel weight. Thus, plant height, total dry matter content of the plant, pod number and 100-kernel weight emerged to be important attributes for improvement of kernel yield in these genotypes of groundnut. These findings were well consistent with some early reports of Mahalakshmi et al., (2005), Siddiquey et al., (2006), Zaman et al., (2011), Sadeghi and Noorhosseini-Niyaki (2012) and Satyanarayan et al., (2014).
In the present experiment, the correlation of kernel yield per plant with different yield attributes was studied and the correlation coefficient has been presented in Table 3. The values indicated that all the yield attributes established a positive correlation with kernel yield except the number of primary branches per plant. But the correlation between the number of pods per plant and kernel yield per plant was only significant (r=0.512*) indicating a strong positive association between these two characters.

Table 3: Correlation of kernel yield with its important attributes.

Correlation among physiological characters
The correlation studies among the physiological characters and their association with kernel yield per plant revealed important results (Table 4). All the physiological attributes studied in the present experiment established a positive correlation with kernel yield except leaf Nitrate Reductase (NR) activity at 60 DAS which had a significant negative correlation (r= -0.533*). It might be noted further that NR activity at 60 DAS also registered highly significant negative association with total dry matter content at 30 DAS (r= -0.755**) and at 60 DAS (r= -0.682**). Highly significant positive correlation was found between leaf chlorophyll at 60 DAS and kernel yield per plant (r=0.680**). The total dry matter of plant at 30 DAS also registered highly significant positive correlation (r=0.671**) with kernel yield per plant. The result indicated the influence of whole plant dry matter at the pre-anthesis stage on kernel yield, which was also reported in mungbean by Bhattacharya (1996).

Table 4: Correlation among physiological attributes and kernel yield.

Clustering of genotypes
The nineteen genotypes of groundnut were grouped into different clusters depending on kernel yield per plant and its main attributes (viz.,  plant height, total dry matter content of the plant, pod numbers/plant and 100-kernel weight) analyzing genetic similarity based on Euclidean distance using NTSYS-PC version 2.0 software. Dendrogram was constructed by Sequential Agglomerative Hierarchical Nested (SAHN) clustering using the Un-weighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) algorithm. The dendrogram (Fig 1) exhibited that the nineteen genotypes could be grouped into two big clusters A and B based on the coefficient of dissimilarity. The cluster B contained two genotypes INS-1-2013-8 and INS-1-2013-10 that were separated out from the remaining genotypes belonging to cluster A. Within cluster A, there were several sub-clusters. The sub-cluster A2 contained three high yielders (INS-1-2013-4, INS-1-2013-5 and INS-1-2013-6) along with moderately high yielder genotype INS-1-2013-9; while, the sub-cluster A1a within A1 sub-cluster grouped the four low yielding genotypes INS-1-2013-1, INS-1-2013-3, INS-1-2013-2 and INS-1-2013-12. 

Fig 1: Dendrogram showing clustering of groundnut genotypes based on kernel yield and its important attributes.

The association of dry matter production and partitioning at important vegetative and reproductive growth stages with kernel yield was studied to prioritize some morphological and physiological traits for improving yield in nineteen genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The genotypes showed significant differences among them in respect of kernel yield and its all attributes. Three genotypes, INS-1-2013-8, INS-1-2013-5 and INS-1-2013-4 were the top ranking genotypes in respect of kernel yield/plant. INS-1-2013-8 and INS-1-2013-4 had high mean values for pods/plant and total dry matter content in the plant, medium plant height but low harvest index. INS-1-2013-8 had small kernel size, while INS-1-2013-4 showed medium kernel size. The other high yielder INS-1-2013-5 registered low mean for pods/plant and total dry matter but moderately high mean for harvest index and the boldest kernel size among all the genotypes. The correlation studies indicated a strong association between the number of pods/plant and kernel yield/plant. The genotypes showed significant differences among them in respect of dry matter production and partitioning to different plant parts at pre-anthesis (30 DAS) and post-anthesis pod filling (60 DAS) stages. Correlation studies indicated the influence of whole plant dry matter at pre-anthesis stage on kernel yield of these genotypes of groundnut.

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