Growth and yield attributes
The response of groundnut genotypes for sulphur addition in terms of growth and yield attributes were recorded at harvest stage and furnished in Table 2. Addition of sulphur increased the plant height, root length, number of pods / plant and 100 kernel weight of all the groundnut genotypes. The values varied from 46.3 to 66.8 cm, 12.5 to 22.7 cm, 12 to 27 nos. and 35.3 to 54.7 g respectively for plant height, root length, number of pods / plant and 100 kernel weight. Higher growth and yield attributes were associated with VRI 6 = CO7 > TMV 7 while the lowest values of all the attributes were observed with local variety. Application of 40 kg sulphur as gypsum along with recommend dose of fertilisers increased the growth and yield attributes of all the groundnut genotypes. Better response of the genotypes for the sulphur application might be due to its involvement in photosynthesis and translocation of photosynthetic products from source to sink. Further increase in root traits with sulphur addition might have also facilitated the absorption of nutrients and improved the metabolic activity within the plants
(Subhendu et al., 2005; Patel et al., 2009; Taejeswara
Rao et al., 2013; Lali et al., 2017; Sisodiya et al., 2017).
Pod and haulm yield
Significant and positive pod and haulm yield responses for the addition of sulphur were observed with all the eighteen groundnut genotypes which differed widely (Table 3). The mean pod and haulm yield of genotypes varied from 1269 to 2807 kg and 2229 to 2904 kg ha
-1 respectively. Higher mean pod and haulm yield was recorded with CO7 (2807 and 2904 kg ha
-1) followed by TMV 13 (2513 and 2726 kg ha
-1) and VRI 6 (2422 and 2863 kg ha
-1). Application of 40 kg sulphur as gypsum significantly increased the pod and haulm yield of groundnut genotypes by 16.0 and 18.2 per cent respectively over no sulphur addition. Improvement in both pod and haulm yield of genotypes might be attributed to the positive effect of sulphur on growth, partitioning and translocation of metabolites to reproductive structures
(Tathe et al., 2008; Badawy et al., 2011 and Sarangi and Lama, 2013; Abdul
Manaf et al., 2017). The lowest pod yield was noted in the local variety (1269 kg ha
-1) and haulm yield was registered with VRI 4 (2229 kg ha
-1), which might be due to lesser photosynthetic rate as well as poor nutrient acquisition and utilization by these genotypes. The variations among different genotypes might be due to genetic makeup as well as the environmental conditions.
Yield efficiency indices
The yield and S uptake efficiency indices were worked out for all the genotypes to identify the S efficient genotypes and furnished in Fig 1 and Table 4. The yield efficiency varied from 71.7 to 97.1 per cent and more than 90 per cent yield efficiency was noticed with the genotypes: VRI 6 > TMV 7 > CO7. With regard to sulphur uptake efficiency, higher uptake efficiency was recorded with VRI 6> TMV 7 > VRI 5 which varied from 62.8 to 82.2 per cent and the lowest yield and S uptake efficiency was registered with the local variety. The relationship between sulphur content in kernals, yield and uptake efficiency of groundnut genotypes also varied significantly and showed 75.9 per cent variation in yield and 65.3 per cent variation in sulphur uptake by the genotypes (Fig 2).
Based on higher yield and S uptake efficiencies, the genotypes
viz., VRI 6, CO 7, TMV 7, TMV 13 were grouped as efficient and responsive to sulphur fertilization, CO2, VRI 8, VRI 3, VRI 5, ALR 3, BSR 1, CO 6 were inefficient but responsive to S addition and local, CO 1, VRI 4, CO3, VRI 7, TMV 2, TMV 10 were inefficient and non-responsive genotypes for S addition. The efficient genotypes miight have modified their root environment by the secretion of root exudates to utilize the soil sulphur which depends mainly on sulphur use efficiencies, its absorption, transport and concentration in kernals. Similar response was reported by
Ahmad et al., (2005) in mustard, Abdul
Manef et al., (2017) in groundnut and by Halil Erdem and Mustafa Bulent Torun (2017) in wheat genotypes.
Sulphur uptake and availability
Application of sulphur as gypsum significantly increased the S content and uptake by all the genotypes and reported in Table 3. The sulphur content varied from 0.19 to 0.87 per cent in kernel and 0.23 to 0.67 per cent in haulm while the S uptake values ranged from 1.73 to 14.9 kg ha
-1 in kernel and 5.10 to 22.1 kg ha
-1 in haulm. The highest sulphur content and uptake was observed in the genotypes: VRI 6 > TMV 7 > CO 7 > TMV 13 for kernel and TMV 7 > VRI 6 > CO 7 > TMV 13 for haulm. The lowest sulphur content and uptake in kernel and haulm was registered in local variety followed by VRI 4. This trend might be due to increased growth and yield attributes, total dry matter production and yield due to sufficient supply of sulfur which helped in better absorption and translocation (Singh and Chaudhari, 1995,1997;
Sisodiya et al., 2017). The increased sulphur availability might have also influenced the photosynthetic rate, increased protein content which leads to greater synthesis of sulphur containing amino acids and might have resulted in more uptake of sulphur and higher sulphur use efficiency (Abd EL-Kader and Mona, 2013;
Assefa et al., 2017; Mahipal Choudhary
et al, 2019).
The post- harvest soil samples were also analyzed for available sulphur status and reported in Table 3. Application of 40 kg S as gypsum increased the sulphur availability in soil and the values varied from 7.32 to 14.8 mg kg
-1. Higher S availability was observed with TMV 7 (9.45 and 14.8 mg kg
-1) in the soils applied with and without sulphur which was on par with CO 7 (9.15 and 14.3 mg kg
-1) and VRI 6 (9.25 and 13.6 mg kg
-1). The increased soil availability of sulphur might be due to external S supply through gypsum and concurrent increase in soil which was observed by Pandya and Bhatt (2008),
Ramdevputra et al., (2010) and Humair Ahmed (2017) in groundnut. The lowest S availability was noted in control plots.