Effect of kabuli chickpea varieties on growth, yield and attributing parameters
The plant growth, seed yield and quality parameters are greatly influenced by genetic makeup of the varieties. Besides, several biotic, abiotic, agronomic and management practices. In the present study, varietal differences with respect to field performance have been noticed in
kabuli chickpea during 2015-16 and 2016-17. From the results of the pooled data, significant variation in growth, seed yield and yield attributes were observed in
kabuli chickpea varieties irrespective of seed priming. In general, from the results of the pooled data BG1105 (V
1) registered significantly highest plant height (22.38, 38.29 and 43.19 cm) (Table 1), chlorophyll content (42.96, 48.11 and 45.94 SPAD value) (Table 2) as compared to MNK-1 (V
2) with plant height (20.19, 33.41 and 37.21 cm) and chlorophyll content (38.36, 42.49 and 40.05 ) at 30, 60 DAS and harvest respectively, the probable reason may be mainly due to efficient accumulation of photosynthates in the vegetative parts during early stage of plant.
Further, BG1105 (V
1) also recorded significantly higher number of root nodules at 60 DAS (19.63) (Table 3), number of secondary branches (23.11) (Table 3), number of pods per plant (45.90) (Table 3), seed yield per plant (28.92 g) (Table 4) and per hectare (13.00 q) (Table 4) was highest in BG1105 (V
1) as compared to MNK-1 (14.48, 14.22, 22.22 g and 11.72 q, respectively). From these results, it was found that both varieties differed significantly for growth parameters due to their genetic differences. Such differential genotypic response on growth parameters were also in conformity with the findings of
Merwade (2000),
Gnyandev (2009) and
Sushma (2013) in chickpea.
Effect of seed priming on growth and seed yield and yield attributing parameters in kabuli chickpea varieties
Seed priming had higher impact on crop growth, seed yield and yield attributing parameters during 2015-16 and 2016-17. In the present investigation, different seed priming treatments used under study had similar effect during both years. From, the results of pooled data, significantly higher plant height at 30 (27.51 cm), 60 DAS (43.28 cm) and at harvest (48.01 cm) was recorded in T9 [Sprint (Mancozeb 50 % + Carbendazim 25 % WS) @ 2 g per kg of seed] as compared to other treatments and T
1 (control) (20.90, 37.08 and 42.34 cm, respectively) (Table 1) this might be due to seed priming with sprint, a contact and systematic fungicide which mainly helps in protection of seed (as the
kabuli chickpea seeds have very soft, delicate seed coat that are sensitive and prone to damage by both biotic and abiotic factors) from invading and survival of wide range of fungal pathogens around rhizosphere throughout the crop period and provides a favorable condition by enhancing sufficient nutrient uptake from rhizosphere through better root system. In addition, sprint is a composed of micronutrients
viz., Zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn), where Zn helps in the synthesis of tryptophan which is a precursor of Indole acetic acid; it also has an active role in the production of an essential growth hormone
viz., auxin which might helped in triggering the metabolic activity of enzymes required for seed germination leading to rapid cell division, cell enlargement and radical emergence leading to formation of effective root system with early and uniform field emergence with better plant growth (
Anonymous, 2018). These results are in conformation with the findings of
Anitha et al., (2013) in Soybean and
Xalxo et al., (2007) in chickpea.
Similarly, seed priming had significant effect on chlorophyll content (SPAD value) during 2015-16 and 2016-17. From the results of pooled data, significantly highest chlorophyll content (SPAD value) at 30 (50.59), 60 (55.76) and 75 days after sowing (DAS) (53.45) was recorded due to seed priming with T
9 [Sprint (Mancozeb 50 % + Carbendazim 25 % WS) @ 2 g per kg of seed] as compared to other treatments and control (42.12, 47.57 and 44.07, respectively) (Table 2) this might be due to presence of Zinc in sprint which might have played very important role in plant metabolism by influencing the activities of hydrogenase and carbonic anhydrase, stabilization of ribosomal fractions and synthesis of cytochrome helpful in chlorophyll synthesis, in addition to this, Mn might have played some role in maintenance of chloroplast membrane structure, which occurs in activation of chloroplast RNA polymerase and splitting of water and the presence of mangano protein catalyzes the oxygen evolution which indicates the higher rate of photosynthetic activity leading to higher chlorophyll content and vegetative growth of plant. Further, seed priming with T9 [Sprint (Mancozeb 50 % + Carbendazim 25 % WS) @ 2 g per kg of seed] recorded significantly higher root nodules (21.50) per plant at 60 DAS compared to other treatments and control (16.50) (Table 3). The probable reason may be due to the presence of Zn in sprint which is a major nutrient required by rhizobia for atmospheric nitrogen fixation in legumes and are considered as important constituents of nitrate reductase, nitrogenase, which is required for both synthesis and activity of enzymes
(Campo et al., 2000). Formation of more number of nodules per plant, leads to more nitrogen fixation in plant roots which ultimately increases physiological activity by translocation of nutrients from root to growing parts of plant leading to better vegetative growth, yield attributing parameters and yield (
Anonymous, 2018).
Likewise, from the results of pooled data significantly higher number of secondary branches (23.38) was affected due to seed priming with T9 [Sprint] as compared to other treatments and control (T
1) (17.98, respectively) (Table 3), this may be due to the presence of Zn which is required for the synthesis of tryptophan, which act as a precursor of Indole acetic acid, and helps in production of auxin. While the presence of Mn in sprint also favours breakdown of Indole acetic acid, leading to rapid cell division, cell elongation and translocation of nutrients from root to meristematic part of plants leading to increased number of primary and secondary branches. Similar results were also reported by
Anitha et al., (2013) in Soybean and
Xalxo et al., (2007) and
Padamini et al., (2015) in chickpea.
Significantly higher number of pods per plant, and test weight was recorded due to seed priming during 2015-16 and 2016-17. From the results of pooled data significantly higher number of pods per plant (44.73) (Table 3) and test weight (35.32 g) (Table 4) was recorded in T9 [Sprint (Mancozeb 50 % + Carbendazim 25 % WS) @ 2 g per kg of seed] as compared to other treatments and control (T
1) (32.25 and 29.93 g, respectively), this may be due to the additional effect of presence of Zinc in sprint, where the Zn finger-transcription factors that are involved in the development and function of floral tissues such as anthers, tapetum, pollen and pistil secretory tissues leading to the formation of more number of flower, seed set and translocation of metabolites from source (vegetative parts) to sink (pod), with increased seed filling and increased test weight. These results are in conformation with
Anitha et al., (2013) in Soybean and
Xalxo et al., (2007) and
Padamini et al., (2015) in chickpea.
From the results of pooled data, significantly higher seed yield (16.59 q/ha) was recorded in T
9 [Sprint (Mancozeb 50 % + Carbendazim 25 % WS) @ 2 g per kg of seed] and followed by T
4, T
3, T
6, T
7, T
8, T
5 and T
2, whereas control (T
1) exhibited lower seed yield (12.09 q/ha, respectively) (Table 4), this may be due to seed priming which improves rRNA integrity, repairing of cell constitutes and increased activity of protein synthesis to permit subsequent germination resulting in early seed germination, uniform plant stand and exposure of these plants for proper harness of sunlight, for photosynthesis and its translocation of food metabolites to different growing parts and leading to better vegetative growth with increased number of primary and secondary branches per plant which add together for production of more number of flowers, pods, seeds per pod and test weight of seed leading to higher seed yield per plant and per ha. Similar effect of seed priming on seed yield and yield attributing parameters were reported by
Anitha et al., (2013) in Soybean and
Xalxo et al., (2007) and
Padamini et al., (2015) in chickpea. However, the growth, seed yield and yield attributing parameters did not differ significantly due to interaction of seed priming treatments and varieties.