The present study was carried out by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Samoda- Ganvada, Taluka- Siddhpur, District - Patan (Gujarat) during
rabi season in the farmers field on two clusters in each year of Patan district during 2016-17 to 2017-18. In 2016-17 demonstration is laid out in 20 ha area with 50 number of demonstration in Nayka cluster in Sami Taluka and Ranod cluster in Shankheshwar Taluka and in 2017-18, demonstration is laid out in 20 ha area on 50 number of demonstration in Kathi cluster, Taluka- Sami and Orumana cluster in Taluka- Shankheshwar.
The soil under demonstration plot is light to medium black cotton soil and pH value was ranges from 7.2 to 8.0.The demonstrated technology is improved variety (GJG-3), optimum seed rate (Kg/ha), seed treatment by fungicide, soil inoculation by bio fungicide along with NPK-liquid consortia bio fertilizer @ 5 lit/ ha, RDF as per STV, water management at critical stages and application of IPM module for the management of insect (Specially on gram pod borer) and diseases (wilt, dry root rot and collar rot). Control plot was also kept in parallel at every demonstrative plot. The difference between demonstration package and existing farmers practice are given in Table 1.
Before conducting the demonstration, Krishi Vigyan Kendra is conducted training to the selected farmers on sowing and nutrient management, pest management and post harvest management aspect.
The yield data were collected from both the demonstrated technology and farmers practice by random crop cutting method and analyzed by using simple statistical tools. Selection of site and farmers’ selection were considered as suggested by
Choudhary, (1999). The observation on grain yield (qtl/ha) and straw yield (qtl/ha) were recorded. Other parameters like harvest index (%), increasing in yield (%), technology gap (%), extension gap (%) and technology index were worked out as suggested by
Kadian et al., (1997). The gross return, net return, cost of cultivation and benefit cost ration were also calculated. The data output were collected from both RP as well as farmers practices and finally the extension gap, technology gap, technology index along with benefit cost ratio were workout
(Samui et al., 2000) as given below:
(iii) Technology gap = Potential Yield - Demonstration yield
(iv) Extension gap = Demonstration Yield - Farmers yield