Experimental material responded differently to varying environmental conditions implying that for achieving sustainability inchickpea production; studies pertaining to G×E interactions should be an integral part of chickpea improvement plans. G×E interaction showed the significant differences for DM, BY and SY indicates differential response of the genotype to different planting conditions in close harmony with Singh and
Singh (2013),
Carreras et al., (2013) and
Tilihun et al., (2015) for DM, BY and SY. The variance due to environment found significant for all the characters except DM however, environment linear was observed significant for all the characters
. (Table 1) G×E (linear) showed the significant differences for DM,DF 50%, BY and SY suggested that prediction for these attributes would be perfect, these results supporting the earlier findings of
Tilihun et al., (2015), Kanouni et al., (2015) and
Tilihun et al., (2015). However, pooled deviation was found to be significant for DI, TP and SY.
Through comprehensive observations; genotypes
viz., PhuleG 0517 (DM and TP), ICCV13312 (SY), FLIP-07-236C (DFI and DPI), FLIP-07-283C (DFI, DPI and DM), FLIP-07-286C (DFI, DF50%, DPI and DM), JGK25 (TP) and JGK26 (SY) exhibited stable performance for these traits (Table 2 and 3). Hence, these promising genotypes may be grown under wide range of environments particularly in tolerance to terminal heat.
SY was found high innormal, late and very late planting in genotypes ICCV13312, ICCV13314, JGK 26, JGK 27, JGK12, JGK14, JGK 23, JGK1, JGK2, JGK3 and KAK 2.
Twenty two genotypes
viz; JGK12, JGK 1, ICCV13312, ICCV 13317, ICCV13314, JGK 26, JGK2, JGK25, JGK3, KAK2, ICCV13316, NBeG 402, NBeG 176, JGK14, ICCV 13310, JGK 23, JGK 27, HK 10-124, FLIP-01-29C, IPCK 2004-29-1, CSJK 46 and ICCV13301 were identified on better seed yield under late planting. (Table 3). Similarly, 23 genotypes KAK2, ICCV13309, ICCV13311, ICCV13312, ICCV13304, JGK12, ICCV13314, CSJK 46, ICCV13302, ICCV13307, JGK18, JGK 23, JGK2, JGK14, JGK1, ICCV13317, ICCV13318, HK10-103, JGK26, JGK3, CSJK77, JGK27 and Phule G051 were high yielding lines in very late planting conditions.
The timing of flowering and days to maturity is accelerated under heat stress, thus shortening the duration of crop development and reducing seed yield. The entries HK10-109, IPCK2009-145,CSJK4, PKV4, ICCV13306, ICCV13303, JGK 24, JGK 23, JGK3 were found most promising lines in case of minimum yield reduction in all normal, late and very late planting dates.