Nutritional characteristics
Nutrient composition of rajma (kidney beans), cowpea (white), cowpea (black), lentil, chick pea, rice bean, horse gram and soybean (black) flours was depicted in Table 1.The protein content varied from 17.61% (rice bean) to 40.84% (soybean). Significantly, higher amount of protein was recorded in black seed soybean than other pulses. The protein content of studied pulses is in line with
Wallace et al., (2016) for pigeon peas, soybeans and some varieties of cowpea.
Total lipid content in legume seeds ranged from 1.20 to 7.30% (Table1). Concentration was found highest in black seeded soybean (7.30%), while the lowest was in rice bean (1.20%). More lipids in black seeded soybean flour might be disadvantageous in terms of the shelf life and keeping qualities. However, this is an important property of soybean flour, enabling its wide utilization in food products. Higher fat in soybean (black) flour also enhances its ability to absorb and retain oil, improves binding of the structure, improves mouth feel and reduces moisture and fat losses of food products
(Pal et al., 2016). The lower lipid content in rice bean and horse gram flour may be utilized as ingredients in weight restriction diets.
Cowpea (white) flour possessed the highest (24.55%) amount of total soluble sugars, followed by cowpea (black). Among the flours, total soluble sugars (8.92%) were lowest in soybean (black). These values are in accordance to the values reported for chickpea (
href="#costa_2006">Costa et al., 2006) and horse gram
(Sreerama et al., 2008). Cowpea (black), lentil, chickpea, horse gram, rajma (kidney beans), rice bean showed intermediate values.
Wallace et al., (1995) also reported intermediate carbohydrate contents for these pulses. Total starch content of the eight legumes are shown in Table 1. Total starch (TS) ranged between 5.55 and 29.57% with minimum in soybean (black) and maximum in lentil, respectively. The lowest TS contents corresponded to soybean (black), assumes as a variant of soybean, most widely consumed legumes world-wide whereas all other pulses possessed the TS values in a range of 21.69-29.57%. Tryptophan being important essential amino acids is involved in various metabolic process and its deficiency resulted in various chronic diseases. All the pulses showed the presence of tryptophan and soybean (black) contained the highest (0.47%) amount of tryptophan whereas the lowest (0.22%) was recorded in lentil. Soybean (black) is native to the Uttarakhand and widely consumed in the northern part of India.
Anti-nutritional characteristics
Different antinutritional components may decrease protein digestibility, e.g. factors such as trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid and tannins
(Usman et al., 2018). Presence of high level of phytic acid lowers the availability of many essential minerals (
Ghavidel and Prakash, 2006). The highest phytic acid content was recorded in rice bean (13.21%) followed by horse gram (12.54%) and the lowest (3.28%) content was recorded in soybean (black) (Table 2). These findings are in accordance with the report of
Rasha et al., (2011).
Tannins are secondary plant metabolites distributed ubiquitously within legumes and have a property of binding to protein to form reversible and irreversible complexes due to the existence of a number of phenolic hydroxyl groups. Tannins ranged between 1.94 and 5.41 g/kg in cowpea (white) and lentil, respectively.
Pal et al., (2017) also reported similar tannins content in pulses. They are main anti-nutritional factors in lentil. The cultivars without tannins, commonly known as zero-tannin or tannin-free lentil, were found to have a wide application for human. Protease inhibitors are the most commonly encountered class of antinutritional factors of plant origin. Trypsin inhibitors have the ability to inhibit the activity of proteolytic enzymes within the gastrointestinal tract of animals
(Chunmei et al., 2010). Cowpea (white) was the pulse with the highest amounts of trypsin inhibitor, up to 36.13 mg/g followed by cowpea (black). Rice bean and chickpea showed same amount of trypsin inhibitor, about 28.27 mg/g, while the lowest value was recorded in soybean (black), with only 10.37 mg/g.
Manzoor et al., (2016) also reported trypsin inhibitor content within these range of values.
Antioxidant metabolite and activities
Gallic acid content in different pulses was evaluated by HPLC and shown in Fig 1. Results were expressed as mg of gallic acid per gram of samples. It was found that horse gram had the highest content of gallic acid (10.80 mg GA/g), followed by lentil (10.50 mg GA/g) while lowest gallic acid content (4.75 mg GA/g) was recorded in cowpea (white). In the present study, gallic acid content varied from 4.75 to 10.80 mg GA/g (Table 3). The similar result was also reported by many workers
(Xu and Chang, 2007;
Campos-Vega et al., 2010). The content of phenolic compound (gallic acid) could be used as an important indicator of antioxidant capacity. Several reports have convincingly shown a close relationship between antioxidant activity and phenolic contents
(Pal et al., 2016).
The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of pulses was tested against the DPPH and ABTS. RSA varied from 21.52-50.57% for DPPH and 23.61-59.33% for ABTS and the results were similar to that reported by
Xu and Chang (2007) and
Campos-Vega et al., (2010). DPPH and ABTS free radical inhibition was higher for horse gram, rice bean and lentil in comparison to other pulses. Overall, it could be concluded that between pulses, the horse gram, rice bean and lentil had a better antioxidant activity in terms of scavenging activity on the DPPH and ABTS free radical. Due to presence of radical scavenging activity, consumption of horse gram, rice bean and lentil might be beneficial to protect human body against oxidative damage
(Campos-Vega et al., 2010).
The phosphomolybdenum method of antioxidant activity usually detects antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, some phenolics, a-tocopherol, and carotenoids
(Prieto et al., 1999). Total antioxidant activity was significantly higher in lentil (22.33 µM TE/g) followed by horse gram (20.04 µM TE/g) while rajma (kidney beans) and chickpea showed significantly lower total antioxidant activity i.e. 11.68 and 11.49 µM TE/g, respectively. FRAP value of the studied pulses were shown in Table 3. FRAP value was found significantly higher in lentil (178.66 µM TE/g DW) followed by horse gram (163.26 µM TE/g DW) while rajma (kidney beans), cowpea (white) and chick pea showed significantly lower total antioxidant activity i.e
. 49.48, 55.42 and 44.52 µM TE/g DW, respectively. Results of present study were in agreement with the reports by other workers (
Karthiga and Dorothy, 2013;
Pal et al., 2016). This study could provide valuable information that these pulses are excellent source of antioxidants in human diet especially to the low-income community.
The fatty acid composition of the total seed lipids of pulses are given in Table 4. Fatty acid profiles of all studied pulses revealed that they are good source of the nutritionally essential linoleic and oleic acids. Linoleic (18:2 omega-6) and linolenic acids (18:3 omega-3) are the most important essential fatty acids required for growth, physiological functions and maintenance. All the presently investigated seed lipids are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. These values are nutritionally desirable. These results were comparable to the findings of
Campos-Vega et al., (2010). Significant variation in fatty acid composition was observed among the eight different pulses. Linoleic (18:2 omega-6) was the major unsaturated fatty acids in all pulses (Table 4). Chick pea showed a significantly higher amount of linoleic acid (60.66 g/100g) than the other pulses, while rajma (kidney beans), lentil and soybean (black) contained the lower amount of linoleic acid i.e. 29.41, 32.08 and 32.36 g/100g, respectively. Lentil showed a significantly higher amount of oleic acid (41.27 g/100g) than the other pulses, while soybean (black) contained the lowest amount of oleic acid (18.26 g/100g). Oleic-to-linoleic ratio (O/L) is indicator of oil stability and shelf life in oil from legume seeds such as peanut oil (
Alajaji and El-Adawy, 2006). Lentil showed the highest oleic-to-linoleic ratio (1.28) hence, it may have better oil stability and shelf life. The pulse seed samples contained palmitic acid (10.40-18.05%), stearic acid (1.55-5.37%) and linolenic acids (2.88-35.32%). The fatty acid composition of these pulses are in agreement with the results of previous investigation
(Campos-Vega et al., 2010).
Multivariate analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) is statistical technique, to find out inter-relationships between the different variables
(Mishra et al., 2013). In the present study, multifactorial comparisons using principal component analysis clearly indicated correlation between original variables (nutritional, antinutritional and antioxidant activities related factor) in a smaller number of underlying variables (principal component) in order to reveal the inter-relationships between the different variables and to find the optimum number of extracted principal components. The first principal component (PC) always describes sample variation and the following PC successively explains smaller parts of the original variance. This means that correlated variables are explained by the same PC and less correlated variables by different PC. The principal component analysis (PCA) and their correlation are shown in Fig 2.
The first factor F1 represents 38.01% of variability, while the second factor F2 represents 32.83% of variability among the data. Maximam biochemical parameters were occupied on the right side of the biplot and among the parameters the starch, total soluble sugars, linoleic acid, phytic acid, trypsin inhibitor activity and palmitic acid were observed on the right upper side of the biplot with high positive loading for both factors I and II, while stearic acid, oleic acid, DPPH, ABTS scavenging activity and O/L ratio were grouped together with slightly lesser positive loadings on the right side of the biplot. This suggests that oleic acid, DPPH, ABTS, O/L ratio, total antioxidant activity, ferric reducing antioxidant power, gallic acid and tannins are having positive correlation.
Trypsin inhibitor has negative correlation with antioxidant metabolites (gallic acid and tannins) and antioxidant activities while phytic acid has negative correlation with protein, total lipid, linolenic acid and tryptophan.
Pal et al., (2016) also reported that the PCA analysis showed positive correlations among the total phenol, DPPH, FRAP and total antioxidant activity. The results also showed that horse gram and lentil contained higher gallic acid, DPPH and ABTS activity, O/L ratio, total antioxidant activity, ferric reducing antioxidant power, TPP (gallic acid), while black soybean shown with total lipid and protein content. Cowpea and chickpea showed significantly higher trypsin inhibitor activity compared to others pulses.