Seed priming significantly enhanced the plant height with different levels of irrigation over control (Table 1). Maximum plant height was recorded in GA
3 (P
1) (84.6 cm) followed by ammonium molybdate (P
3) (84.2 cm). Increase in plant height in barley might be due to stimulation of cell elongation, cell division and enlargement
(Jaliban et al., 2014). Seed priming and irrigation levels enhanced the total dry matter production (Table 1). The total dry matter accumulation in leaf increased from 30 to 60 DAS and declined thereafter due to leaf senescence. Total dry matter was highest in GA
3 followed by ammonium molybdate, CaCl
2, KBr and Mg (NO
2 which suggest that seed priming with chemicals play a major role in increasing leaf dry matter, stem dry matter and redistribution of dry matter in reproductive parts compared to hydro–priming and control.
Vazirimehr et al., (2014) reported that seed priming with one percent KNO
3 shorten the time from seed emergence to harvest, improved crop stand and dry matter partitioning to grain in maize.
Higher total dry matter production and its partition in case of seed priming and irrigation levels can be attributed to better environment with respect to soil moisture, nutrition and availability of light to the plants and increase photosynthetic area and efficiency. Increase in total dry matter towards maturity may be due to growth pattern, higher rate of CO
2 fixation and RuBP carboxylase activity during crop growth. Thus, total dry matter accumulation is an important parameter in boosting the source sink relationship and yield potential. Bandana Bose and Pandey (2003) and Muhammad
Arif et al., (2010) reported that priming treatment significantly increased the TDM accumulation in mustard and soyabean respectively. Increase in biological yield might be due to better early and synchronized seedling growth and plant nutrition
(Zhang et al., 1998). Seed priming with ammonium molybdate recorded higher TDM accumulation and LAI during harvest boosting the source–sink relationship and yield potential in green gram (Sarkar and Pal, 2006). Halo priming may cause high partition of photo assimilates to reproductive parts in chickpea compared to control (Ebadi and Sajed 2009).
Seed priming with chemicals recorded higher LAI compared to hydro–priming and control at all the stages. Increase in LAI of cowpea plants might be due to established root system, improved emergence and seedling growth of primed seeds. Watson (1952) indicated that LAI and CGR are useful growth parameters for estimating production efficiency of crop. Seed priming with GA
3 and inorganic salts significantly increased CGR (30 – 60 DAS) over hydro–priming and control. Application of GA
3, CaCl
2 and ammonium molybdate significantly increased the CGR at all stages. Pre–sowing treatment improved both LAI and CGR in cowpea to 22 and 25 percent respectively over control. The present data also revealed that the seed priming application increased CGR and is due to increased TDM and partitioning in reproductive parts. LAI and CGR increased significantly with seed priming at 0.5 percent ZnSO
4 in maize (Sher
Afzal et al., 2013). CGR is influenced by LAI, photosynthetic rate, leaf angle and amount of radiation energy intercepted. Khan and Khalil (2010) opined that seed priming with distilled water and PEG solution significantly increased the AGR and CGR at 60 DAS in mung bean seed.
Basra et al., (2003) observed higher CGR for osmoprimed in rapeseed seed over unprimed seed.
RGR represents increase in dry weight per unit of dry weight already present per unit time. It is found in the present study that RGR declined with advancement in crop growth with regard to irrigation levels and seed priming treatments. Decline in RGR with advancement of crop growth could reduce TDM production. RGR was highest in seed priming with GA
3, ammonium molybdate and MgNO
3 at 30–60 DAS over control. Increase in RGR with seed priming chemicals increase in photosynthetic efficiency by increasing the leaf thickness and retaining more chlorophyll and ultimately enhance TDM accumulation. Seed priming with GA
3 significantly increased RGR and leaf size
(Zhao et al., 2007) and PEG increased PGR (Muhammad
Arif et al., 2010) over respective controls. Thus it indicates that the architecture of plant has been modified so as to intensify the process which is evident from the higher mean value of CGR and RGR.
NAR also called “unit leaf rate” is the rate of increase in dry weight at any instant and it represents the size of the assimilatory (Gregory, 1926). In general, among the seed priming treatments, growth hormones and inorganic salts recorded significantly higher NAR compared to hydro–priming and control at all the stages during both the years. Seeds primed with GA3 and ammonium molybdate exerted favourable effect on NAR throughout the crop growth due to early emergence, better leaf development and increase in TDM accumulation. Seed priming improved the CGR and NAR under moisture stress condition in wheat
(Iqbal et al., 2013), NAR with 1.5 percent ZnSO
4 over control in maize (Sher
Afzal et al., 2013) and GA
3 increased photosynthesis, food translocation, leaf expansion, TDM production and NAR in chickpea (Mohammad Mazid, 2014) over non-primed seed.
Yield is the summation of all metabolic processes and growth events during life cycle of crop plants and any abiotic stress which influence the potential productivity of crop yield (Table 2). Both seed priming techniques and irrigation regimes exerted a significant effect on biological and grain yields during both crop growth seasons (Plate 1). Data showed that both biological and grain yields were significantly increased with each increment in irrigation level. Results indicated that a decrease in irrigation supply at 0.5 E
pan induced drought stress, which depressed the biological as well as grain yields of cowpea by more than 20 percent. Among different seed priming techniques, GA
3 (P
1) significantly produced maximum grain yields (1282.2 Kg/ha) followed by ammonium molybdate (1262.6 Kg/ha) (P
3) and least in control (888.7 Kg /ha). Higher grain and biomass yield in pre-germinated seeds could be attributed to early germination and vigorous growth, consequently good crop establishment. Poor translocation of metabolites to the reproductive stage may be one of the reasons for lower yield in control or unprimed crop. Similar results were also reported in wheat
(Ali et al., 2013) and wheat
(Kalpana et al., 2015).
Biological yield is an indirect index of photosynthetic machinery that along with different yield components determines the final grain yield in a given set of environmental conditions (Table 2). The maximum biological yield was obtained in 0.9 Epan replenishment (4204.5 kg/ha) which was superior to 0.7 Epan replenishment (3940.3 kg/ha) and 0.5 Epan replenishment (3399.7 kg/ha), respectively. Among the seed priming treatments, ammonium molybdate (4178 Kg/ha) recorded highest biological yield followed by GA
3 (4112.2 kg/ha) and KBr (3990.8 Kg/ha) and minimum biological yield was recorded (3160.8 kg/ha) in control.
Arshad et al., (2013) depicted that seed priming with different chemicals increased the biological yield in spinach over control.
Thus based on the findings, seed priming increased the plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, total dry matter accumulation, LAI, RGR, CGR, NAR, grain yield and biological yield over hydro-priming and control. Seed priming with GA
3 and ammonium molybdate at low concentration and temperature (15°C) for 24 hours can be best employed for boosting productivity of cowpea under rainfed conditions.