Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 5 (october 2017) : 916-919

Production and profitability assessment of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub.) based intercropping systems under different row arrangement

Artika Singh Kushwah, G.S. Rawat, Sourav Gupta, Devendra Patil, Neelima Prajapati
1Department of Agronomy, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Gwalior (M.P.) – 474002, India
  • Submitted06-12-2016|

  • Accepted12-06-2017|

  • First Online 18-09-2017|

  • doi 10.18805/LR-3809

Cite article:- Kushwah Singh Artika, Rawat G.S., Gupta Sourav, Patil Devendra, Prajapati Neelima (2017). Production and profitability assessment of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub.) based intercropping systems under different row arrangement. Legume Research. 40(5): 916-919. doi: 10.18805/LR-3809.
A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2014 at Research Farm, RVSKVV, College of Agriculture; Gwalior (M.P.). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) replicated thrice with 16 treatments. The sole crops namely clusterbean, cowpea, greengram, blackgram, mothbean and soybean gave significantly higher values of all growth attributes viz., plant height and number of branches/plant; yield attributes viz., number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod and seed index and yield viz.; seed and stover (kg/ha) over various clusterbean based intercropping systems. However, the significantly higher clusterbean equivalent seed and stover yield (2775 and 5694 kg/ha, respectively), gross and net monetary returns (‘141593 and ‘121719/ha; respectively) and benefit : cost ratio (7.12) were recorded under Clusterbean + Cowpea (2:2).  
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