Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

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Legume Research, volume 41 issue 6 (december 2018) : 899-902

Yield and quality of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp] as influenced by organic sources of nitrogen

Jinendra Birla, B.M. Patel, P.M. Patel, Y.A. Tamboli, Devendra Patil
1Chimanbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Banaskantha-385 506, Gujarat, India.
  • Submitted20-10-2016|

  • Accepted23-03-2017|

  • First Online 18-09-2017|

  • doi 10.18805/LR-3797

Cite article:- Birla Jinendra, Patel B.M., Patel P.M., Tamboli Y.A., Patil Devendra (2017). Yield and quality of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp] as influenced by organic sources of nitrogen. Legume Research. 41(6): 899-902. doi: 10.18805/LR-3797.
A field experiment conducted during kharif season of the year 2015 at Agronomy Instructional Farm, C.P. College of Agriculture, Sardar krushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardar krushinagar Gujrat. Application of T9 (50% N through castor cake + 50% N through vermicompost + PSB) and T10: (RDF: 20+40+00 kg ha-1 NPK through fertilizer) recorded higher plant growth and development. Remarkable increase in yield attributes and seed yield (1033 kg/ha) were noted with an application of 50% N through castor cake + 50% N through vermicompost + PSB (T9). Significant improvement in protein content in seed and protein yield, N content in seed, Stover yield and N uptake by cowpea were noted with application of 50% N through FYM + 50% N through vermicompost + PSB (T8), whereas, higher N content in stover and P content in seed were recorded under treatment T9 (50% N through castor cake + 50% N through vermicompost + PSB). Treatment T10 (RDF: 20+40+00 kg ha-1 NPK through fertilizer) realized higher net realization (42371ha-1) and BCR (2.83) because organic fertilizer per unit cost higher than inorganic fertilizer 
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