Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

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Legume Research, volume 41 issue 4 (august 2018) : 598-601

Fenugreek productivity and N and P balance sheet with varying fertilizer levels, biofertilizers and brassinosteroid in Typic Haplustepts

A.S. Godara, Ravindra Singh, G.S. Chouhan
1National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Tabiji, Ajmer-305 206, Rajasthan, India.
  • Submitted25-07-2016|

  • Accepted06-09-2017|

  • First Online 15-02-2018|

  • doi 10.18805/LR-3758

Cite article:- Godara A.S., Singh Ravindra, Chouhan G.S. (2018). Fenugreek productivity and N and P balance sheet with varying fertilizer levels, biofertilizers and brassinosteroid in Typic Haplustepts. Legume Research. 41(4): 598-601. doi: 10.18805/LR-3758.
A field study was carried out at Ajmer, Rajasthan with three fertilizer levels and three biofertilizer inoculations (Rhizobium, PSB and Rhizobium + PSB) in main plots and three concentrations of brassinosteroid ( BR) in sub-plots of a split plot design. 100 % RDF, co-inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB and BR 0.50 ppm produced a pooled seed and haulm yields of 2245 and 5236, 2085 and 4941, and 2098 and 4891 kg/ha, respectively, which were significantly superior to their preceding treatments. Interaction of fertility levels and biofertilizers was also found significant. A combination of 100 % RDF + dual inoculation, being on a par with 80 % RDF + dual inoculation, gave the highest seed, haulm and biological yield. Data on actual soil nitrogen and phosphorus status after crop harvest or E values (kg/ha) showed an improvement in both nutrients at 60 to 100 % RDF. Among different bio-fertilizer inoculations, the order of mean E values (kg/ha) for N were co-inoculation > Rhizobium > PSB but order for mean E values for P was co-inoculation > PSB > Rhizobium . Among brassinosteroid, the order for mean E values of N and P (kg/ha) was BR 0.50 ppm (170.09 and 8.88) > BR 0.25 ppm (168.37 and 8.80) > water spray (165.90 and 8.68). Data on actual mean gain or loss (G=E-initial soil nutrient status) of N and P showed a positive balance under all three kinds of treatments.
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