Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 5 (october 2017) : 896-900

Enhanced quality fodder production through grass-legume intercropping under arid eco-system of Kachchh, Gujarat

Sushil Kumar, Deepesh Machiwal, Devi Dayal, A.K. Mishra
1<p>ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute,&nbsp;Regional Research Station, Kukma-370 105 Bhuj, Gujarat, India.</p>
Cite article:- Kumar Sushil, Machiwal Deepesh, Dayal Devi, Mishra A.K. (2017). Enhanced quality fodder production through grass-legume intercropping under arid eco-system of Kachchh, Gujarat . Legume Research. 40(5): 896-900. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0i0.7596.

Growth and development of huge livestock population of Kachchh is dependent on availability of quality fodder. The quality fodder shortage can be partially met out by cultivating grasses-legumes in intercropping systems. Therefore, this study with the aim of identifying best grass-legume intercropping system for enhanced quality fodder production was undertaken in randomized complete block design with three replications at Bhuj Gujarat, India. Dicanthium annulatum in combination of Clitoria ternatia and Stylosanthes hamata recorded 8096 and 8040 kg ha-1 fresh herbage and 4665 and 4622 kg ha-1 dry matter yield, respectively. Further, Dicanthium annulatum+Clitoria ternatia and Dicanthium annulatum+Stylosanthes hamata resulted significantly maximum crude protein yield, 685 and 668 kg ha-1, respectively over rest of the treatments. Thus, it may be concluded that  Dicanthium annulatum (DA) grass based intercropping systems are the best grass-legume intercropping system for enhanced quality fodder production for the arid condition of the Kachchh for overall development of livestock sector. 

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