Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 4 (august 2017) : 731-734

Organic seaweed nano powder effect on growth and yield attributes of pigeonpea

S. Ambika, K. Sujatha
1<p>Department of Seed Science and Technology,&nbsp;Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai- 625 104, India.</p>
Cite article:- Ambika S., Sujatha K. (2016). Organic seaweed nano powder effect on growth and yield attributes of pigeonpea . Legume Research. 40(4): 731-734. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.4481.

In the field experiment Sargassum myricocystum extract at 1% concentration for 3 h soaking with foliar spray 5% at vegetative and flowering stages were effective by recording higher plant height, total chlorophyll content, leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and yield attributes, such as pod yield plant-1 and seed yield ha-1 in both kharif, 2014 and rabi, 2015 seasons. The per cent increase of pod yield plant-1 and seed yield ha-1 was 13.4 and 18.3%, respectively.  The other seaweeds viz., Gracilaria edulis, Caulerpa racemosa were less effective, but the effect was better than water.

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