Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 5 (october 2017) : 924-928

Seed quality as influenced by seed invigouration treatments in pigeonpea [Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp.]

Ashok Kumar, R.C. Puniya, Axay Bhuker, Rupesh Sharma, Renu Devi
1Department of Seed Science and Technology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004,(HARYANA), India
Cite article:- Kumar Ashok, Puniya R.C., Bhuker Axay, Sharma Rupesh, Devi Renu (2017). Seed quality as influenced by seed invigouration treatments in pigeonpea [Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Legume Research. 40(5): 924-928. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.9108.
Pre- sowing treatments viz, 50ppm GA3, 2% CaCl2, 0.5% KNO3, Hydration (2h) and drying at room temperature <25 0C and surface drying, and hydration- dehydration (2h) + Thiram dressing @ 0.25% were applied to two seed lots (marginal and good) of two cultivars of pigeonpea i.e. Paras and Manak and untreated seed lot was taken as control. The results revealed that various pre sowing invigouration treatments enhanced the standard germination of both the seed lots. However, the improvement in marginal seed lot (L2) was more than good seed lot (L1). Among the treatments, hydration and dehydration + thiram @ 0.25 percent were found most effective (6.0%) for enhancing in germination.  Similarly, irrespective of the priming treatments among the cultivars Paras performed better under field conditions than Manak. irrespective of the cultivars, and seed lots pre-sowing seed treatments namely GA3 (50ppm), cold hydration and cold hydration + 0.25% thiram showed  improvement in germination and seed quality attributes, whereas remaining treatments showed negative effect.  It was revealed also that variety Manak showed good enzyme activity (DHA, catalase, peroxide and superoxide dismutase) than the Paras. And among seed lots (Table 4) lot L1 showed good enzyme activities than lot L21
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