Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 6 (december 2017) : 1133-1135

Estimation of genetic variability for seed yield and its components in chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.) genotypes

Aybegün Ton, Adem Emin Anlarsal
1Cukurova University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Balcali-01330, Adana/Turkey
  • Submitted04-03-2017|

  • Accepted12-08-2017|

  • First Online 18-11-2017|

  • doi 10.18805/LR-352

Cite article:- Ton Aybegün, Anlarsal Emin Adem (2017). Estimation of genetic variability for seed yield and its components in chickpea(Cicer arientinum L.) genotypes. Legume Research. 40(6): 1133-1135. doi: 10.18805/LR-352.
The present experiment was conducted to determine  magnitude of genetic  variability with fifteen kabuli chickpea genotypes in the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 growing season under Mediterranean climate conditions. In this present study seed yield per plant and yield component were investigated. The experiment was orginazed with three replications in randomized complate blocks design.  Data were recorded on plant height, number of branches per plant, height of first podding node, full and total pods number per plant, seeds number per plant, 100-seed weight and seed yield per plant. Analysis of variance for seed yield per plant and its component showed significant differences among all genotypes. Broad-sense heritability ranged from 12.27% (total pod number per plant) to 93.88% (100-seed weight). Moderate and high estimates of broad sense heritability were observed for branches  number per plant, harvest index and 100-seed weight. It can be concluded that  the seed yield of chickpea can be improved by selecting these characters in breeding  chickpea materials.
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