Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 1 (february 2017) : 1-8

Assessment of molecular diversity of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilzek] through RAPD

Gunnjeet kaur*, Arunabh Joshi, Devendra Jain, Ganesh Rajamani, Divya Vyas
1<p>Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,&nbsp;Rajasthan College of Agriculture, M.P.U.A.T., Udaipur-313 001, India.</p>
Cite article:- kaur* Gunnjeet, Joshi Arunabh, Jain Devendra, Rajamani Ganesh, Vyas Divya (2016). Assessment of molecular diversity of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilzek] through RAPD . Legume Research. 40(1): 1-8. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.9442.

A total twenty three genotypes of green gram (Vigna radiata) were subjected to Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis for molecular characterization. A total of 25 randomly selected decamers were screened, out of which only 15 generated 126 amplification products from which 117 bands were found polymorphic, the average polymorphism being 93.48%. The total number of amplified bands varied between 2 (primer OPP-09) to 17 (primer OPA-1) with an average of 9.5 bands per primer. The overall size of PCR amplified products ranged between 200 bp to 2900 bp. The average  Polymorphism Information Content(PIC)  was 0.32 ranging from 0.17 to 0.46. Primer OPA-01 and OPP-06 detected two unique bands ranged between 250 bp to 2500 bp in two genotypes (PUSA-672 and HUM-12). Jaccard’s similarity coefficient values ranged from 0.28-0.90 with an average of 0.59. Based on dendrogram generated through UPGMA method and PCA, most of the genotypes got divided into four main clusters. Genotype EC-398885 lay far apart and thus showed maximum genetic distance. The assessment of genetic diversity is a prerequisite and important step for the improvement of any legume crop. Thus, present results of the present study could be further extrapolated to other green gram accessions in Vigna germplasm.

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