Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 39 issue 6 (december 2016) : 1048-1050

Correlation and path analysis studies in groundnut under different environment

M. Sandhya Kiranmai, P. Venkataravana*, H.D. Pushpa
1<p>UAS, Bangalore, AICRP on Groundnut, Agricultural Research Station,&nbsp;Chintamani- 563 125, Chickballapur, Karnataka, India.</p>
Cite article:- Kiranmai Sandhya M., Venkataravana* P., Pushpa H.D. (2016). Correlation and path analysis studies in groundnut under different environment . Legume Research. 39(6): 1048-1050. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.4484.

In groundnut  strong positive association was noticed   between pod yield per plant and  kernel yield per plant, oil yield per plant and significant and negative  association  with  late leaf spot severity and rust incidence irrespective of the environments.  Pod yield was also correlated with 100- kernel weight, plant height and oil content in environment III. The magnitude and direct association of pod yield with other characters varied from environment to environment. Inter correlation estimates for yield components revealed that plant height, 100-kernel weight, kernel yield per plant, oil yield per plant, late leaf spot severity, number of matured pods per plant, harvest index and  plant height were significantly associated with one another and also with pod yield  per plant which indicated that these characters were important components for improvement of pod yield in groundnut. This indicated that selection of genotypes based on oil yield per plant and kernel yield per plant is advantageous than the other characters.

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