Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 39 issue 2 (april 2016) : 301-304

AMMI analysis for stability of chickpea

M.M. Balapure, L.B. Mhase, N.S. Kute*, V. Y. Pawar
1<p>Department of Agriculture Botany,&nbsp;Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri&ndash;413 722, India</p>
Cite article:- Balapure M.M., Mhase L.B., Kute* N.S., Pawar Y. V. (NaN). AMMI analysis for stability of chickpea . Legume Research. 39(2): 301-304. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.9432.

Five elite chickpea genotypes along with three check varieties were grown in eight environments during rabi 2011-12 season at Pulses Improvement Project, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri to check their stability. The genotypes were grown in randomized block design with three replications. The AMMI analysis of variance for seed yield clearly indicates that the mean sum of square for genotypes is significant, suggesting broad range of  diversity among genotypes. The environmental variances are highly significant for all the characters. G x E mean sum of square was significant for seed yield which indicates that the performance of genotypes was differential over the environments. The proportion of sum of square for G x E for seed yield kg/plot was 26.04 %. Three genotypes viz., Phule G-07102, Phule G-09103 and Digvijay exhibited stable performance over all environment (non-interacting)for seed yield kg/plot. The environments E3 (sowing date 1/11/2011), E4 (sowing date 16/11/2011) and E5 (sowing date 1/12/2011) had good conditions for most of the genotypes while at the same time, the PCA score for these three environments were nearly zero indicating all genotypes produced fairly stable seed yield. 

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