Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

  • SJR 0.391

  • Impact Factor 0.8 (2024)

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Legume Research, volume 39 issue 1 (february 2016) : 135-139

Bioefficacy of new ready mixed insecticide (novaluron 5.25% + indoxacarb 4.5%SC) against pigeon pea pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) 

A. Ghosal*, A.K. Dolai, M.L. Chatterjee
1<p>College of Agriculture,&nbsp;BCKV, Mohanpur, Nadia-741 101, West Bengal, India.</p>

The effect of different treatment schedules of Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% SC against pod borer of pigeon pea gave superlative effect over the sole insecticide Novaluron & Indoxacarb & standard check Lamda-cyhalothrin; though, all the treated plots with chemicals were significantly superior in their performance over that of control plots. Among the three selected dose of Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% SC (750, 825, 875 ml ha-1); the said chemical @ 875 ml ha-1 was recorded as best in managing Helicoverpa armigera population up to harvesting period (mean 0.03% infested pod of both years), while, @ 825 ml ha-1 also recorded remarkable effect on the target pest. The maximum yield (23.40 q ha-1) was obtained from the plots treated with Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% SC @ 875 ml ha-1 closely followed by @ 825 ml ha-1 (22.98 q ha-1). The yield increase was also of high order. Highest cost-benefit ratio (2.07) was recorded in Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb 4.5% SC @ 825 ml ha-1 closely followed by @ 875 ml ha-1. 

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