Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 6 (december 2017) : 965-973

Mycorrhizal relationship in lupines: A review

Z.Y. Shi, X.L. Zhang, S.X. Xu, Z.J. Lan, K. Li, Y.M. Wang, F.Y. Wang, Y.L. Chen
1College of Agriculture, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, Henan province, China.
Cite article:- Shi Z.Y., Zhang X.L., Xu S.X., Lan Z.J., Li K., Wang Y.M., Wang F.Y., Chen Y.L. (2017). Mycorrhizal relationship in lupines: A review. Legume Research. 40(6): 965-973. doi: 10.18805/lr.v40i04.9013.
Legume crops are widely cultivated with agronomical and economic significance. Majority of legume species are known to form mycorrhizal symbioses. However, plants in the genus Lupinus are generally considered as nonmycorrhizal. In this review, published researches with regards to mycorrhizal colonization and function in lupines were revisited. Research findings on mycorrhizal colonization (field or laboratory conditions) and functions (promotion in plant growth, nutrient uptake and metabolites) are summarized. These studies show that 35 out of 43 Lupinus species are colonized by mycorrhizal fungi although their root colonization rates are very low (<10%). The symbiotic status between mycorrhizal fungi and Lupinus species depend on lupine species, fungal taxa, and edaphic growth conditions. The functions of mycorrhizas on lupines exhibit more on physiology than the absorption of P. The responses of lupines to mycorrhizal fungi changed depending on mycorrhizal and Lupinus species and especially soil P concentrations. Based on current limited studies, conclusions on the nature of mycorrhizal relation in lupine could be compromised unless further studies with detailed field surveys and well-designed experiments are implemented.
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