Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 39 issue 1 (february 2016) : 70-78

Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) succeeding pearlmillet intercropped in seed crop of Sesbania

A.K. Dhaka*, Satish Kumar, R.K. Pannu, Bhagat Singh, , Ramprakash, Karmal Malik
1<p>Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, (India)</p>
Cite article:- Dhaka* A.K., Kumar Satish, Pannu R.K., Singh Bhagat, Ramprakash, Malik Karmal (NaN). Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) succeeding pearlmillet intercropped in seed crop of Sesbania . Legume Research. 39(1): 70-78. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.6768.

Sole pearlmillet and their intercropping combinations during kharif followed by wheat grown with three nitrogen levels i.e 50, 75 and 100 % of recommended dose of nitrogen ( RDN)to identify the profitable system. Based on two year study the net return and B:C ratio under Sesbania–wheat rotation were 17.9% and 7.1% more over pearlmillet-wheat crop rotation, respectively. Among intercropping systems Sesbania sown at 90 cm spacing intercropped with one row of pearlmillet followed by wheat was the most profitable crop rotation for the farmers who are interested in seed crop of sesbania with net return (Rs 40013/ha) and B:C ratio (1.48) along with highest Sesbania seed yield of (924kg/ha) with an additional pearlmillet yield (743kg/ha) and wheat equivalent yield (6656kg/ha). Sesbania sown at 120 cm spacing intercropped with two rows of pearlmillet followed by wheat was the most profitable crop rotation for farmers, who are more interested in pearlmillet seed crop with the highest net return ( Rs 40593/ha) and B:C ratio (1.48) along with highest pearlmillet seed yield (1344 kg/ha), Sesbania seed yield (762 kg/ha), highest sesbania equivalent yield (1379 kg/ha) and second highest wheat equivalent yield (6661kg/ha) among intercropping systems. So, Sesbania followed by wheat is more profitable over pearlmillet- wheat crop rotation and from sustainability point of view to encourage the farmers for seed production of Sesbania and to get maximum net return, the Sesbania can be intercropped with one or two rows of pearlmillet. Sesbania sole or in combination with pearlmillet as intercrop was found beneficial for soil health improvement in terms of available N,P and K status of soil as compared to pearlmillet sole-wheat rotation.

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