Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 3 (june 2017) : 514-519

Potential yield of tidal swamp-adaptive soybean promising lines 

Heru Kuswantoro*, Ratri Tri Hapsari, Apri Sulistyo, Agus Supeno
1<p>Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute,&nbsp;Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Jl. Raya Kendalpayak Km. 8 Malang - Indonesia.<br /> &nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Kuswantoro* Heru, Hapsari Tri Ratri, Sulistyo Apri, Supeno Agus (2017). Potential yield of tidal swamp-adaptive soybean promising lines . Legume Research. 40(3): 514-519. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0i0.7289.

This study was carried out in order to identify suitable soybean lines that were adaptive in tidal swamp land. The research material consisted of 10 soybean promising lines and two varieties (Lawit and Menyapa). The research was carried out in Wanaraya, Barito Kuala, Indonesia, in rainy season  2014. The results showed that among of the 10 soybean lines, Snb/1087-148-2-1 reached the largest grain size (10.04 g/100 grains), followed by Snb/1087-147-2-7 (9.72 g/100 grains) and significantly different to Menyapa (6.86 g/100 grains) and Lawit (9.25 g/100 grains). Although these two lines had larger grain size than Menyapa, but the grain yield per unit area of   these two lines were lower. Menyapa produced 1.67 t/ha, while Snb/1087-148-2-1 and Snb/1087-147-2-7 produced 1.18 and 1.42 t/ha respectively. Lower grain yield of these two lines was due to the smaller number of filled pods when compared to Menyapa variety.

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