Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

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Legume Research, volume 38 issue 6 (december 2015) : 748-752

Moth bean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.)  Marechal]  germplasm : Evaluation for genetic variability and inter characters relationship in hot arid climate of western Rajasthan, India

Om Vir*, A. K. Singh
1<p>National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,&nbsp;Regional Research Station, Jodhpur-342 003, India.</p>

The 44 accessions which were collected from Rajasthan, Gujarat and M.P. were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replicates during summer and kharif  seasons in the hot arid climate of western Rajasthan to estimate the presence of genetic variability, inter-characters associations, to identify a suitable accession for cultivation during summer and to compare the relative performance of the genotypes in two seasons.  The high degree of genetic variability was estimated during both seasons for seed yield per plant (g), plant height (cm.), pod length (cm.), peduncle length (cm.), number of branches per plant (cm), number of clusters per plant, number of cluster per branch and cluster length (cm.). The moderate to high heritabilities coupled with moderate expected genetic advance were observed for all studied traits. The plant height, pod length, number of branches per plant exhibited positive and significant association with seed yield whereas the incidence of leaf crinkle virus and yellow mosaic virus correlated negatively and significantly with seed yield. The accession IC 39786 exhibited absolute genetic resistance to crinkle virus disease in the field conditions. The accessions IC 36245, IC-36555, IC 36667, IC 36577 and IC 36604 exhibited  yield advantage over best check during summer whereas accessions IC- 39675, IC-36607, IC-251908, IC 36245 and IC-36563 performed better than best check in terms of seed yield during kharif season. 

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