Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 38 issue 1 (february 2015) : 91-95

Physiological approaches: Yield improvement in blackgram

N. Sritharan*, M. Rajavel, R. Senthilkumar
1Department of crop physilogy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 001, India.
Cite article:- Sritharan* N., Rajavel M., Senthilkumar R. (2025). Physiological approaches: Yield improvement in blackgram. Legume Research. 38(1): 91-95. doi: 10.5958/0976-0571.2015.00015.6.
Field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of foliar spray of nutrients and plant growth regulator on morpho-physiological traits, biochemical parameters and yield of blackgram. The treatments viz., foliar spray of 2% DAP, 100 ppm salicylic acid + 2% DAP  + 0.2 % Boric acid + 0.5% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 + 0.05% Na2MoO4, 2% urea, humic acid 20 kg soil application + 0.1% humic acid foliar spray, 1% KCl  + humic acid 20 kg/ha as soil application + 0.1% humic acid foliar spray, 1% KCl  + humic acid 20 kg/ha as soil application, brassinosteroid 0.1 ppm and control were imposed at 25 days after sowing and 15 days after first spray. Among the treatments, foliar spray of 2% urea had the profound effect in improving the growth attributes, chlorophyll content, soluble protein and nitrate reductase activity. Further foliar spray of 2% urea recorded the highest yield of 900 kg/ha with a yield increment of 20% over control. The yield enhancement might be due to the improved morpho-physiological traits and yield attributes.
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