Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 38 issue 1 (february 2015) : 109-114

Cost effective strategies for the management of Fungal leaf spot of greengram caused by Cercospora canescens Ell. & Mart. under temperate condition of Jammu and Kashmir

F.A. Bhat*, G.N. Bhat, A. Anwar, F.A. Mohiddin
1Division of Plant Pathology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar-191 121, Srinagar, India.
Cite article:- Bhat* F.A., Bhat G.N., Anwar A., Mohiddin F.A. (2025). Cost effective strategies for the management of Fungal leaf spot of greengram caused by Cercospora canescens Ell. & Mart. under temperate condition of Jammu and Kashmir. Legume Research. 38(1): 109-114. doi: 10.5958/0976-0571.2015.00018.1.
Greengram sown from May-26 to July-5 at 10 days interval in Kashmir manifested variable disease scores. While May-26 sown crop suffered significantly lower leaf spot intensity (25 %) and pod infection (34 %), the following sowings such as June-5, June-15, June, 25 and July-5 suffered 32-47, and 39-64 per cent leaf spot intensity and pod infection, respectively. May-26 sowing supported maximum seed yield (8.2 q/ha) and a proportionate decrease in seed yield of late sowings was recorded with lowest (7 q/ha) obtained in July-5 sown crop. Fungicides were evaluated as seed treatment as well as one or two foliar applications. Seed treatment with carbendazim and captan showed poor results in both disease control and seed yield. However, application of carbendazim (0.05 %) at first appearance of disease followed by another spray with hexaconazole (0.02 %) ensured significant reduction in pod infection (77 %) and leaf spot intensity (68 %) besides supporting proportionately attractive seed yield (8.62-8.95 q/ha) at an acceptable B:C ratio (6.38:1).
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