Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

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Legume Research, volume 38 issue 1 (february 2015) : 24-29

Combining ability and heterosis studies for some biometrical traits in lentil under sub-mountain Himalayan region

Naresh Kumar*, B.C. Sood, R.K. Chahota, T.R. Sharma, Mohar Singh
1Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur-176 062, India.
Cite article:- Kumar* Naresh, Sood B.C., Chahota R.K., Sharma T.R., Singh Mohar (2025). Combining ability and heterosis studies for some biometrical traits in lentil under sub-mountain Himalayan region. Legume Research. 38(1): 24-29. doi: 10.5958/0976-0571.2015.00004.1 .
The study was undertaken to develop and identify high yielding and better quality cultivars through line x tester analysis. Seventeen genotypes and 30 F1 hybrids obtained by crossing 15 lines and 2 testers in line x tester mating system were sown in randomized complete block design. Significant differences were observed among parents for all the traits except seeds per pod. Lines L-658, L-666, L-407, L-354 and PL-406 were good general combiners for seed yield and most of its components, whereas L-617, L-737, L-635, L-412 were good general combiners for yield and quality components and L-649 was good general combiner for earliness. The specific cross combinations Vipasa x L-412, PL-406 x L-617, Vipasa x L-620, PL-406 x L-651, PL-406 x L-630, Vipasa x L-649 and PL-406 x L-635 were outstanding for seed yield and most of its components. Based on per se performance, sca effects and standard heterosis, cross combination PL-406 x L-649 was best for days to 50% flowering; PL-406 x L-651 best for pods per plant; Vipasa x L-652 and PL-406 x L-354 were observed to be best for protein content. The early flowering genotypes (PL-406 x L-649) identified in the present study may be exploited for the development of drought tolerant lentil genotypes.
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