Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

  • SJR 0.32, CiteScore (0.906)

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 2 (april 2017) : 319-324

Silage production with intercropped pueraria lobata and zea may L.

X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Li, C. Xu, , W. Cao, J. Wang*
1<p>Institute of Environment, Resource, soil&nbsp;and fertilizer,&nbsp;Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Hangzhou 310021, China.</p>
Cite article:- Zhang X., Zhang Y., Li B., Xu C., Cao W., Wang* J. (2017). Silage production with intercropped pueraria lobata and zea may L. . Legume Research. 40(2): 319-324. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0i0.7591.

In this study, kudzu vine-corn intercropping model and their mixed silage were estimated. Two factor split plot experiment design was used. The main factor was intercropping density (A), with four levels: A0, A1, A2, A3. In which A0 referred to control with only corn. A1 was two lines corn with one line kudzu, which means corn: kudzu =2:1. A2 referred to two lines corn with two lines kudzu, which was kudzu: corn= 2:2. A3 was two lines corn with three lines of kudzu, which meant the ratio between kudzu and corn was 2:3. The vice factor was nitrogen utilization level (B), also with four levels: B0, B1, B2, B3. B0 meant no nitrogen utilization (0 kg/hm2). B1 referred to the nitrogen level at 50 kg/hm2; B2 was 100 kg/hm2 and B3 was 200 kg/hm2. Corn was sowed in April and July separately in kudzu vine field. Two forages were harvested together when the corn was at the milk stage. After that, we measured the yield of the forages and then mixed the samples uniformly in each treatment. The mixed samples were chopped up and made into silage using the bag storage method for 60 days and then the silage quality was estimated by nutrition analysis including crude protein, crude fiber, ashes, fat and pH value. The results showed that, intercropping ratio of kudzu vine and corn was the main factor that influenced the system yield and nutrient content. The influence of nitrogen fertilizer declined as the kudzu vine grew. Intercropping density A1, nitrogen application level B1 or B2 can get the highest nutrient yield, at the same time decrease nitrogen input. Meanwhile, the pH value of the silage was low, which indicated a good silage quality. 

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