Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 39 issue 4 (august 2016) : 623-629

Chalky spot damage caused by stink bugs on red lentil seeds in Southeast Anatolia Region, Turkey 

Çetin Mutlu* Vedat Karaca1, Sedat Eren1, Musa Buyuk2, Celalettin Gozuacik3, Mehmet Duman1, Yunus Bayram4, Halil Bolu5, Halil Kutuk
1<p>Department of Plant Protection, Abant Izzet Baysal University,&nbsp;Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Science, 14280 Bolu, Turkey.</p>
Cite article:- Karaca1 Vedat Mutlu* &Ccedil;etin, Eren1 Sedat, Buyuk2 Musa, Gozuacik3 Celalettin, Duman1 Mehmet, Bayram4 Yunus, Bolu5 Halil, Kutuk Halil (2016). Chalky spot damage caused by stink bugs on red lentil seedsin Southeast Anatolia Region, Turkey . Legume Research. 39(4): 623-629. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.9437.

Chalky spot damage on red lentil is the most important problem waiting for a solution regarding plant health at lentil cultivation in Southeast Anatolia Region, Turkey. The stink bugs, Piezedorus lituratus (F.) and Dolycorus baccarum L. were subjected to trials in cages and in sprayed and unsprayed plot trials in open lentil fields and fields containing windrowed lentils after harvesting. The study revealed that P. lituratus and D. baccarum feeding on red lentil caused chalky spot damage. Average damage to lentil seeds caused by P. lituratus was 13% and 7.8% and by D. baccarum was 4.9% and 2% in 2010 and 2011, respectively. There was a positive relation between P. lituratus density and chalky spot damage (r =0.788, r2 =0.621, P=0.000). The study also showed that after the harvesting, the stink bugs gathered under windrowed lentils and continued feeding and causing chalky spot damage. The damage in unsprayed windrowed lentils (6.60%) was approximately 12-fold higher than that in sprayed windrowed lentils (0.57%). Study suggests conduction of future work on environmental friendly control methods of stink bugs and alternative harvesting methods.

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