Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

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Legume Research, volume 36 issue 6 (december 2013) : 522-527


Bassam Kanaan Abdul Jabbar, Halimi Mohd Saud, Mohd Razi Ismail1, Radziah Othman2, Sheikh Hasna Habib, Hossain Kausar*1
1Department of Agriculture Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
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  • doi

Cite article:- Jabbar Abdul Kanaan Bassam, Saud Mohd Halimi, Ismail1 Razi Mohd, Othman2 Radziah, Habib Hasna Sheikh, Kausar*1 Hossain (2025). INFLUENCE OF MOLYBDENUM IN ASSOCIATION WITH RHIZOBIUM ON ENHANCED BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN FIXATION, GROWTH AND YIELD OF SOYBEAN UNDER DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM. Legume Research. 36(6): 522-527. doi: .
Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important legume crops which fix atmospheric nitrogen in symbiotic association with bacteria through nodules. A study was conducted to investigate the effect of molybdenum and pre-inoculation of Rhizobium on biological nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean under drip irrigation system. A total of six treatments were used in this experiment which included control, 1 kg of Mo/ha, 1.5 kg of Mo/ha, 10 kg of Mo/ha, Rhizobium isolate UPMR020, UPMR020 + 1 kg of Mo/ha, UPMR020 + 1.5 kg of Mo/ha, UPMR020 + 10 kg of Mo/ha. Application of 1kg of Mo/ha along with bacterial inoculum produced the highest (51) nodules per plant. This treatment also produced the highest nodule’s weight (199 mg/plant) and plant dry weight (72 g/plant). Application of 1 kg of Mo/ha in association of UPMR020, produced significantly high yield (29.46 g/plant) compared to control which produced only 9.15 g/plant, thus indicating the potential of this treatment to be used for soybean with drip irrigation system.
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