Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

  • SJR 0.32, CiteScore (0.906)

  • Impact Factor 0.8 (2024)

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Legume Research, volume 34 issue 1 (march 2011) : 41- 44


D. Bhardu*, P.A. Navale
1Department of Agricultural Botany, College of Agriculture, MPKV, Pune - 411004, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Bhardu* D., Navale P.A. (2025). CORRELATION AND PATH ANALYSIS STUDIES IN F3 POPULATION OF COWPEA (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Legume Research. 34(1): 41- 44. doi: .
An investigation was carried out in F3 population of cross Dapoli safed x GC-10 and their parents to understand the association among the yield components and their direct and indirect effects on the seed yield. Grain yield per plant recorded significant and positive correlation with number of pods per plant, biomass at harvest, number of branches per plant, test weight, pod length, and vine length. Number of pods per plant recorded highest magnitude of direct effects on seed yield per plant followed by test weight, biomass at harvest and number of branches per plant. Hence, selection on the basis of high biomass at harvest, number of pods per plant, test weight, pod length, number of branches per plant and seed yield per plant in segregating populations of cowpea will be more effective in the development of promising genotypes.
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