Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

  • Online ISSN 0976-0571

  • NAAS Rating 6.80

  • SJR 0.32, CiteScore (0.906)

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Legume Research, volume 35 issue 3 (september 2012) : 202-206


M. M. A. Mondal*, A. B. Puteh, M. A. Malek, S. Roy
1Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Mondal* A. M. M., Puteh B. A., Malek A. M., Roy S. (2025). EFFECT OF FOLIAR APPLICATION OF UREA ON PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS AND YIELD OF SOYBEAN. Legume Research. 35(3): 202-206. doi: .
The field experiment was conducted at the Field Laboratory of the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, Bangladesh during the period from July to November 2010 to investigate the effect of foliar application of urea on growth and yield of soybean. The experiment comprised four levels of urea foliar application viz. T1 (control), T2 (application of 1.5% urea once at the beginning of flowering), T3 (application of 1.5% urea twice from the beginning of flowering with an interval of 10 days) and T4 (application of 1.5% urea thrice from the beginning of flowering to pod development stage with an interval of 10 days). Results indicated that seed yield of soybean was higher in foliar urea applied plants than control plants which being the maximum in T4 treatment due to showed superiority in physiological characters (leaf area index, total dry mass plant-1, absolute growth rate, chlorophyll and harvest index) and yield attributes (number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1 and 100-seed weight) over other treatments. Therefore, three times foliar application of urea @ 1.5% at reproductive stages may be used for getting increase seed yield in soybean.
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