Legume Research

  • Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu

  • Print ISSN 0250-5371

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  • NAAS Rating 6.80

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Legume Research, volume 27 issue 2 (june 2007) :


Pandey N.
1 Department of Plant Breeding (Pulses), Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa Campus, T. C. A. Dholi - 843 121, India
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- N. Pandey (2025). UNE X TESTER ANALYSIS IN LONG DURATION HYBRID PIGEONPEA. Legume Research. 27(2): . doi: .
Hybrids, utilizing three genetic male sterile lines (DAMS-I. ICPMS 3783 and KPMS 1050) and 12 dive.rse elite genotypes of long duration group of pigeon pea were evaluated for general and specific combining ability, variance components and standard heterosis. Among the lines DA 32, DA 34, DA 37, DA 46, DA 93-4, DA 93-2, DA 94-6 and Bahar mutant and testers DAMS-l and ICPMS 3783 were found to be good general combiners for seed yield plantland other yield attributing traits viz., secondary branches plant1, clusters plant−1 and number of pods plant−1. The tester DAMS-l was also found good general combiner for the traits like primary branches plant−1 and per cent pod setting. The estimates of σ2 GCA, σ2 SCA and σ2 GCA [σl SCAI]−1 were exhibited partial dominance of additive genetic action for number of pods plant1. While for days to initial flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of primary branches plant1, per cent pod setting, harvest index and seed yield plantI showed over dominance with non additive genetic variance. The greater contribution of testers to the performance of crosses were found significant for seed yield plant−1 and yield attributing traits. Out of 36 cross combinations 10 showed higher magnitude of specific combining ability effects involVing high x high (H x H) and low x high (L x H) combining ability effects of lines and testers, respectively for seed yield plant−1, number of secondary branches plant!, clusters plant−1, number of pods plant−1 and per cent pod setting. The estimated standard heterosis ranged from 144.32% (KPMS 1050 x DA 94-6) to 8.75% (MS 3783 x DA 37). Out of 36 combinations, 12 registered highly significant positive heterosis for seed yield plant! and yield attributing traits like number of primary and secondary branches plantI, clusters plant! and number of pods plant−1.

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