Indian Journal of Animal Research

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Indian Journal of Animal Research, volume 52 issue 10 (october 2018) : 1488-1493

The effect of nizatidine on ovarian ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rats

Ilhan Bahri Delibas, Ibrahim Karaca, Omer Erkan Yapca, Metin Ingec, Serkan Kumbasar, Ferda Keskin Cimen, Resit Coskun, Aziz Inan Celik, Murat Cankaya, Durdu Altuner
1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziosmanpasa University, Tokat, 60030, Turkey.
Cite article:- Delibas Bahri Ilhan, Karaca Ibrahim, Yapca Erkan Omer, Ingec Metin, Kumbasar Serkan, Cimen Keskin Ferda, Coskun Resit, Celik Inan Aziz, Cankaya Murat, Altuner Durdu (2018). The effect of nizatidine on ovarian ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 52(10): 1488-1493. doi: 10.18805/ijar.B-934.
An ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in an organ can also cause damage to other organs. In this study, the effects of nizatidine were investigated on ovarian I/R injury and subsequent heart damage in rats. Rats were divided into groups; ovarian I/R (IRG), nizatidine 25 mg/kg+ ovarian I/R (NIR), and control (CG) groups. The NIR and IRG groups were given 2 hours of ischaemia followed by 2 hours of reperfusion by applying, and subsequently releasing, a vascular clip to the right ovarian artery. While oxidant levels in the IRG group were higher than NIR and CG groups, antioxidant levels were lower. Necrosis, congested blood vessels, haemorrhage, leukocyte infiltration and oedema were observed in the ovarian and heart tissues of the IRG group. These findings were reduced in the NIR group. Nizatidine suppressed oxidative stress in ovarian and heart tissues and may be useful in prevention of I/R–induced ovarian and cardiac injury.
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