Clinical sign
The acidosis goats were the symptoms of anorexia, respiratory distress, bloated abdomen, profuse watery and foul-smelling diarrhoea, lateral recumbency, foamy material comes out from mouth and dehydrated due to movement of excessive quantities of fluid into the rumen, similar finding was reported by
Constable et al., (2017). Clinical examination reveals all animals having fluid splashing abdominal sound due to accumulation of large quantity of fluid in the rumen
(Saravanan et al., 2021). Absence of ruminal motility, tachycardia due to endotoxaemia, increased respiratory rate, prolonged skin tenting and capillary refill times (Table 1) were the clinical signs observed, findings are in concurrence with the observations of
Alam et al., (2014); Elnady et al., (2019) and
Koondhar et al., (2020).
Rumen fluid examination
The colour of the rumen fluid in all acidosis goats was milky white and the healthy goats was brownish to greenish. The consistency of rumen fluid was viscous in control group and watery in acidosis goats. The odour of the rumen fluid in acidotic goats were sour and aromatic in control animals. The findings were in accordance with
Kala et al., (2021); Tufani et al., (2013). No protozoal motility with absence of iodophilic activity and presence of gram-positive bacteria were observed in all acidosis cases. Iodophilic activity of rumen protozoa was totally absent, finding supports the observation of
Shah et al. (2013), which might be due to improper utilization and storage of glycogen by the rumen protozoa. Rumen liquor smear of acidotic goats revealed predominant of gram-positive bacteria
(Brahma et al., 2020).
The mean and SE values of rumen pH of goats with acidosis and control were 6.50±0.22 and 4.67±0.14. A highly significant decrease (P< 0.01) in the ruminal pH was observed in the affected group when compared to control group. The decrease in ruminal pH might be due to faster fermentation of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates by amylolytic bacteria leading to production of excess quantities of lactic acid
(Hajikolaei et al., 2006; Radostitis et al., 2007, Gonzalez et al., 2012 and
Pradeep et al., 2007). The means and SE values of Methylene Blue Reduction test (MBRT) time to decolorize the dye in control and acidosis group (Table 2) were 4.67±0.21 min. and 11.50± 0.77 minutes. A highly significant increase in the time taken by the rumen fluid to decolorize the dye was observed in acidosis group when compared to control group, which was in agreement with the reports of
Shah et al., (2013) and
Petrovski, (2017), which could be due to destruction of normal micro flora and a shift in their pattern from predominantly gram negative to amylolytic gram positive nature
(Shah et al., 2013).
Venous blood gas analysis
The mean and S.E. value of blood pH in control and acidosis animals (Table 3) was 7.41±0.01 and 7.13±0.08. Highly significant decrease in blood pH in goats with acidosis. In acidosis the increased VFA and lactate in rumen resulted in lower pH followed by absorption of lactate in to the systemic circulation causing a reduction in blood pH (
Snyder and Credille, 2017).
The mean and S.E. values of PvCO
2 (mm Hg) in control and acidosis goats was 39.38±1.61 and 43.55±0.88. A highly significant increase in PvCO
2 value was observed in acidosis goats when compared to control
(Morgante et al., 2009; Gianesella et al., 2010).
The mean and S.E. values of PvO
2 (mm Hg) in control and acidosis goats were 40.27±1.47 and 34.62±1.71. A highly significant decrease in PvO
2 value was observed in acidosis goats when compared to control. The decrease in the values of oxygenation can be attributed to an increase in the anaerobic metabolism and consequently an increase in oxygen consumption
(Morgante et al., 2009 and
Gianesella et al., 2010).
The mean and S.E. values of cHCO
3- (mmol/L) in control and acidosis goats were 23.92±0.30 and 14.25± 2.33. A highly significant decrease of cHCO
3- value was observed in acidosis goats when compared to control. Reduction in bicarbonate level was observed in acidosis group and this was mainly due to excessive accumulation of acids which exceeds the buffering capacity of bicarbonate
(Owens et al., 1998, Snyder and Credille, 2017).
The mean and S.E. value of BE (ecf) (mmol/L) in control and acidosis goats were -2.73±0.07 and -8.26±4.45. A highly significant decrease (P<0.01) in BE (ecf) value was observed in acidosis goats when compared to control. The excessive acids in acidosis resulted in reduction in base excess (BE) in blood, similar to the findings reported by
(Gianziella et al., 2010 and
Snyder and Credille, 2017).
The mean and S.E. value of Anion Gap in control and acidosis were 15.00±1.00 and 21.92±0.80. A highly significant increase (P<0.01) in AGap value was observed in acidosis group when compared to control group. Elevation in Anion gap was observed in goats with acidosis, these findings were in concurrence with
Snyder and Credille (2017). Anion gap is the difference between strong cations and anions and was found to be elevated in goat kids with floppy kid syndrome by D - lactic acidosis
(Bleul et al., 2006). The higher anion gap is due to accumulation of acids or reduction of bicarbonate (
Russell and Roussel, 2007).
The mean and S.E value of blood lactate in control and acidosis animals were 0.48±0.04 and 6.16±1.05. A significant increase (P<0.01) in blood lactate value was observed in acidosis group as compared to control group. The mean±SE values of lactic acid was found elevated and these might be due to excess accumulation of lactic acid in rumen which subsequently get absorbed into blood
(Hajikolaei et al., 2006). In animals with acidosis the production of lactate exceeds the absorption capacity resulting in reduction in rumen pH and further absorption into the systemic circulation. The L lactate is metabolized efficiently whereas D lactate is not and lactic acidosis is characterised by accumulation of D lactate rather than L lactate (
Snyder and Credille, 2017).
Haematology and electrolyte changes analysis
A highly significant increase in the haemoglobin levels was observed in acidotic goats when compared to healthy goats (Table 4). This finding was in agreement with the findings of
Sarma and Nath (2005),
Gupta et al., (2012) and
Thorat et al., 2021. Ibrahim, (2016), who recorded the rise in haemoglobin levels might be due to haemoconcentration caused by dehydration and drawing of systemic fluid into the rumen. In acidosis, there was a highly significant rise in packed cell volume when compared with control group, which are in accordance with the findings of
Shihabudeen et al., 2003; Sarma and Nath, (2005).
In the present study, the Mean±SE values of RBC in acidosis goats was found to be significantly increased which was in accordance with the observations made by
Shah et al., (2013) and
Zein-Eldin et al. (2014).
In acidosis, the BUN value was found to be significantly increased which might be due to dehydration, haemocon-centration, anuria and catabolism with body toxaemia (
Karale, 2012). A highly significant difference was observed between groups and a highly significant increase in the creatinine values in acidosis goats.
Karale, (2012) reported that increased creatinine level in acidosis goats might be due to state of dehydration and haemo-concentration as occurred in acidosis and activation of compensatory mechanism in the body.
Hypocalcemia in acidosis might be due to temporary malabsorption of calcium due to damaged mucosa of intestine
(Radostits et al., 2007). Decreased serum sodium accompanied with ruminal lactic acidosis may be due to shift of electrolytes by osmolarity from blood to hypertonic rumen or due to their losses (Na
+ and Cl
-) or due to diarrhea (
Jorg and Enemark, 2008). Decrease in serum chloride accompanied with ruminal lactic acidosis might be due to shift of electrolytes by osmolarity from blood to hypertonic rumen or due to their losses (Na
+ and Cl
-) or due to diarrhoea (
Jorg and Enemark, 2008).
In acidosis, hypokalemia might be due to retention of sodium and excess excretion of potassium by the kidney (
Gupta, 2012;
Saravanam, 2021).
Shah et al., (2013), reported that hypokalemia in the acidotic sheep might be due to the excretion of K
+ through the kidney as K
+ are exchange for reabsorption of Na+ probably under the influence of increased aldosterone activity.
ECG revealed increased heart rate (140-150 bpm), decreased P-R interval (0.10±0.01sec), increased P amplitude (0.23±0.01 mV) and decreased T amplitude (0.40 ±0.02 mV), decreased regular R-R interval (0.50±0.02 sec), decreased ST interval (0.22±0.01 sec) as compared to control group (Table 5 and Fig 1.) suggesting sinus tachycardia in acidosis goats. Similar changes in acidosis goats reported by
Dehkordi et al., (2011). An increase in T wave amplitude could be attributed to metabolic acidosis. It appears that ruminal acidosis accelerated pacemaker activity in the heart, thus increasing heart rate, but had no significant effect on the time course of the spread of the action potential through the ventricles. The decline in the PR interval may be due to a rapid propagation of the action potential through the ventricles or to rapid transmission of the action potential through the AV node.
Animal was treated with Inj. Sodium bicarb 7.5% @ 1 g/kg body weight, Inj. Normal Saline 10 ml/ kg body weight IV, Inj. Tribivet 0.5 mg/kg body weight IV, Inj. Chlorophenaramine maleate 0.5 mg/kg body weight IM, Rumentas bolus 1bolus bid orally daily for 3 days and bolus sulpha dimidine @1 bolus/50 kg body weight. Administration of intravenous Sodium bicarbonate neutralized the lactic acid production inside the rumen to prevent chemical ruminitis and to restore normal ruminal pH
(Arora et al., 2011; Karale, 2012). Vitamin B Complex injection (Tribivet) as a source of thiamine administered by IV to restores the function of the cells and tissues by replenishing thiamine deficiency but also promotes metabolism of excess lactic acid thereby reducing acidosis
(Bashir et al., 2015). Antihistaminic drug Chlorophenaremine maleate has reduced the rumen and blood histamine level. Rumenotoric drug (bolus Rumentas) was given to restore rumen motility and appetite
(Tufani et al., 2013). All animal was recovered after 3rd day of treatment.