Sheep are the most susceptible species to copper poisoning because of their liver cells had a high affinity for copper and slow excretion of copper into the bile leading to a buildup of liver copper concentration over time
(Orr, 1985). Chronic copper poisoning is a common problem in intensively maintained sheep flocks then pastured sheep and its early diagnosis in live animals is difficult because of the very slow progress and latent character of the disease for some weeks or even months
(Ishmael et al., 1972). However there is eventually a sudden haemolytic crisis, jaundice and death usually follows in two to three days. This clinical syndrome has to be differentiated from leptospirosis and tick-borne diseases (
i.e. babesiosis, theileriosis) that cause similar manifestations.
In the present study, among 130 lambs 21 were died and 12 sick lambs were sold within a period of 15 days. All the affected lambs showed depression, anorexia, dark brown to black coloured urine (hemoglobinurea), yellowish discolouration of sclera of the eye and visible mucus membranes, accelerated breathing, arched back and recumbency prior to death. Death was noticed within 24 to 48 hrs after the onset of clinical signs.
Mendel et al., (2007) also reported similar signs in chronic copper poisoning of sheep and the appearance of hemoglobinuria indicates the transition of subclinical (copper accumulation phase) into clinical disease.
Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels ranged from 188 to 1130 U/L (normal upper limit, 125 U/L) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ranged from 16 to 40 U/L (normal upper limit, 40 U/L).
Lopezalonso et al., (2006) also reported that the serum AST activity was significantly correlated with liver copper concentrations and it will rise 2 weeks prior to the haemolytic crisis in experimentally induced chronic copper poisoning in goats. Results of the present study might indicate that the majority of sheep in the flock were affected with toxic levels of Cu, but most were pre-haemolytic and haemolysis had started only in a small percentage. Hence serum AST level might be used to detect the copper induced liver injury in natural cases so that therapy could be instituted beforehand.
At necropsy, all the three dead male lambs were good in body condition. All tissues and mucus membranes were grossly jaundiced (Fig 1). Blood was dark red in colour and watery in appearance. Subcutaneous and mesenteric fat showed intense yellowish discolouration with petechial haemorrhages. Trachea and bronchi contained yellowish frothy exudate and the mucosa was icteric. Lungs were edematous, dark brown in colour and on section oozing of yellowish froth was noticed in the major air ways (Fig 2). Liver was enlarged and diffusely yellow to orange in colour (Fig 3). Gall bladder was distended and contained dark yellowish bile but the bile duct was patent. Kidneys showed bilateral enlargement, dark brown to brown black in colour with metallic sheen (gun metal) (Fig 4). On section of kidney, dark brown colour was noticed in the cortex and it extended the medullary region also. The renal pelvis was icteric. Urinary bladder was distended with port wine coloured urine (Fig 5). Spleen was enlarged with soft pulp and cut surface appeared dark brown in colour (Fig 6) due to hemolytic crisis.
Histopathologically, lung alveoli contained pink stained homogenous material which might be due to damage of endothelial cells that constitute blood air barrier by hemolytic anemia induced oxygen deprivation
(Zachery, 2017) along with multifocal deposits of golden brown pigment (Fig 7). Liver showed widespread hepatocellular cytoplasmic vacuolation, degeneration and necrosis frequently in the centrilobular areas (Fig 8). Kupffer cells with brown, granular cytoplasm were noticed close to central vein and mid zonal areas. The areas of degeneration and necrosis are devoid of inflammation, although foci of polymorphonuclear leukocytic infiltrations were occasionally observed. Accumulation of bile pigment was noticed in canaliculi between hepatic cords, hepatocytes and bile ductules. Mild to moderate bile duct hyperplasia was noticed in portal tracts. In kidney, epithelial cells of proximal convoluted tubules revealed degeneration, vacuolation, focal coagulative necrosis and desquamation. Distal convoluted tubules were dilated. Eosinophilic hyaline or coarsely granular hemoglobin casts were noticed both in the cortex and medulla (Fig 9). Multifocally, tubular epithelial cells contained intracytoplasmic dark brown pigment (hemosiderin) and tubular dilatation.
Copper storage begins in the centrilobular hepatocytic lysosomes, its membranes lose their integrity and release lysosomal hydrolases as Cu accumulates leads to irreversible injury to the cell
(Rolfe and Twedt, 1995). The accelerated loss of hepatocytes by necrosis and apoptosis leads to acute massive Cu release, which in turn increase the free blood Cu concentrations, results in oxidative injury to hemoglobin and converting it into methemoglobin which cannot bind to the oxygen and also induces erythrocytic inclusions such as, Heinz-body formation. Moreover, the sulfhydryl groups of the erythrocyte membrane also undergo oxidative changes (lipid peroxidation), resulting in increased RBC fragility. Copper-induced fragility of RBCs and Heinz body might contribute to hemolysis in the present study and accumulation of hemoglobin casts in the renal tubules.
Spleen red pulp vascular spaces are distended by erythrocytes and contained numerous hemosiderin laden macrophages (Fig 10). Splenic congestion and hemosiderosis might be due to the processes of removal (phagocytosis) and storage of large numbers of altered erythrocytes (Heinz body) from the circulation
(Zachery, 2017). Marked depletion of lymphocytes was noticed in the white pulp of the affected animals. Myocardial fibers revealed vacuolar degeneration and erythrocytes in between the fibers.
Fodder, feed, water samples and ruminal contents were negative for toxic agents. Peripheral blood smears revealed the absence of blood protozoan parasites. Heart blood and lung swabs did not show any etiological agents of pathological significance. Urine samples collected from dead animals were negative for
Leptospira sp., on dark field microscopy. All the dead lambs showed similar clinical signs, gross and histological lesions which were consistent with previously described cases of chronic copper poisoning in sheep
(Angus, 2000; Cullen and Stalker, 2016). The tentative diagnosis of copper toxicosis was confirmed by the elevated concentration of Cu (781mg/kg DM) in the liver by toxicological evaluation. Concentrations of Cu in the liver greater than 350 mg/kg DM are diagnostic of this intoxication
(Angus, 2000; Radostits et al., 2007). Liver Cu concentration may be normal after hemolytic crisis due to release into the blood stream
(Kimberling, 1988). In the present study, liver Cu concentration was twice the normal value in spite of the samples were collected from the hemolytic crisis affected animals, hence the detected Cu level clearly indicate toxic concentration.
The recommended dietary copper requirement for sheep was 5 mg/kg/day
(Clegg et al., 1986; Puls, 1994). In the present study, all the lambs were maintained by intensive system of management and fed with commercially prepared concentrate feed, hence their Cu requirement may be less than the recommended level, moreover the daily requirement may be met out from the concentrate feed which usually contain adequate copper required for the lambs
(Angus, 2000; Constable et al., 2017). The farmer was questioned about all medications given to the animal and found that he has given 10 gm of commercial mineral mixture supplement per lamb per day for a period of two months which contained 1200 mg of Cu per kg. This means that every lamb received 12 mg of Cu per day only from the supplementation for almost two months before the first case was observed. Mineral supplement used in the present incidence was formulated for cattle since the farmer lacks the knowledge on the consequences of furnishing a cattle based mineral supplement to sheep. Hence the source of copper toxicosis in the present study could be attributed to the chronic ingestion of a commercially prepared mineral supplement destined for cattle.
Treating the copper poisoning is very difficult and challenging in most cases, hence, severely affected animals often die despite treatment. D-penicillamine (degradation product of penicillin) is a chelating agent used to enhance copper mobilization and urinary excretion (10- to 20-fold) in sheep
(Humannziehank et al., 2001) and has been identified as an useful agent for maximize copper removal from the body in chronic copper toxicosis
(Gooneratne and Christiansen, 1997). Hence in the present study affected and apparently normal animals were treated with penicillamine (@ 50mg/kg Bwt for seven days through oral route) and found that no further occurrence of fresh cases in the investigated flock. Moreover the animals were maintained for meat purpose, hence the farmer sold all the animals within 15 days due to attainment of required body weight and also to avoid further economic loss.