Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 32 issue 4 (december 2017) : 300&-304

Kids rearing Practices Followed by Pantja Goat Keepers in Tarai  Region of Uttarakhand

B.S.Khadda, Brijesh Singh, D.V.Singh, S.K.Singh, C.B.Singh, J.L.Singh, Kanak Lata
1<p>Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Science,G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (Uttrakhand)</p>
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Cite article:- B.S.Khadda, Singh Brijesh, D.V.Singh, S.K.Singh, C.B.Singh, J.L.Singh, Lata Kanak (NaN). Kids rearing Practices Followed by Pantja Goat Keepers in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 32(4): 300&-304. doi: undefined.

A bench mark survey was conducted to collect the base line information from the Pantja goat rearers regarding  goat marketing practices with special reference to Pantja goats under field conditions of Udham Singh Nagar and Nainital districts of Tarai region of the Uttarakhand during a period of two year (2015 to 2017). Multistage sampling method was adopted for the selection of respondents. The results of the present study revealed that most of the goat rearers (65.27%) followed the practice of cleaning the kid just after birth and all the respondents of both the districts were aware about the importance of colostrum feeding to newly born kids. Majority of goat keepers (67.91%) of the surveyed mass were not aware about the care of navel cord of newly born kids. In the study area a good number of goat keepers (47.75%) were following the practice of castration of their male kids. Majority of the respondents (75.53%) castrated the male kids with the help of a hired person. Majority of goat rearers (55.66%) did not follow deworming in kids. Most of goat owners (73.80%) fed concentrate to their kids.

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