Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Chief EditorYashpal Singh Malik
Print ISSN 0303-3821
Online ISSN 0976-4631
NAAS Rating 4.95
Solar operated seed sowing automated machine
The actual power used for machine equipment depends on the struggle of the movement. As of now, in our country 98% of the current appliance use the power by burning of fossil fules to operate combuston engines as a consequence of which we have to face the problem of air, water and noise pollution and most importantly has led to a realistic energy crisis in the near future. Now the approach of this paper is to design the machine to minimize realistic energy and increase the solar power. The main profit is increase the use of solar energy because sun have unlimited resources of energy and this will not finish with time. The energy generated to the fossil fuels combuston gives very bad impact over the health of individuals. But the natural solar energy is less harmful as compare to any other existing energy generation scheme. One more objective of this paper is to reduce the time for digging and seed sowing operation which is very helpful for farmers. By utilizing solar energy to run the robotic machine is also economical. In this project solar panel is used to capture solar energy using solar panel and then it is converted into electrical energy which in turn is used to charge 12V battery, which then gives the necessary power toa shunt DC motor. This power is then transmitted to the DC motor to drive the wheels and control the controller part of the circuit. And to further reduce man power dependency, IR sensors are used to decide the direction of robot in the field. Here four sensors are used to define the territory and robot senses the track and movement from line to line. This robot will move on different ground contours and perform digging, sowing the seed and watering the ground after covering the seed.
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