For the present study Chumukidema RD block has been selected purposively due to has been more successfully implemented, Chumukedima block under Dimapur district comprises of 51 villages, 22 Village Level Organization and 445 Self Help Groups (SHGs) which are under the guidance of NSRLM program, out of which 3857 household have mobilized into SHGs, 195 number of beneficiaries has opened personal bank accounts, 223 members are of A-Grade SHGs, 8 SHGs have accessed to credit linkages/ accessed
(Anonymous, 2016).
Social empowerment
Social empowerment means a dignified social status for women in society and having qualities that allows ability to play leadership role and stand as a role model, because the primary responsibility of any human society is to ensure human dignity. In the study, social empowerment index developed by
Rawat (2014) is used with some modifications. The five components (x
1, x
2, x
3, x
4 and x
5) of social empowerment and their relevancy weight (w
2, w
3, w
4 and w
5) have been weighted between the ranges of 0 to 2 depending on the response of the beneficiaries. Disagree carries a weightage of ‘0’, agree carries ‘1’ and ‘2’ for strongly agree. The social empowerment index (S) for each respondent is calculated as:
S = Social empowerment index.
i = Relevant weight of the i
th components.
i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 components.
Economic empowerment
Women’s economic empowerment entails the right to take their own decisions to use their resources. This quality is attained through dignified dedication of self, exposure to practices that leads to development of such qualities and opportunity that is available for growth and development of economic practices. According to OCED (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), economic empowerment is “the capacity of women and men to participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways that recognize the value of their dignity and make it possible to negotiate a fairer distribution of the benefits of growth”.
In this study and investigation, economic empowerment index was precisely developed for the research consisting of economic indicators appropriate to this study and following the index used by
Rawat (2014) with some modifications in order to obtain result that is significant to the study area.
The ten components (X
1, X
2, X
3, X
4, X
5, X
6, X
7, X
8, X
9 and X
10) of economic component and their relevancy weights (W
1, W
2, W
3, W
4, W
5, W
6, W
7, W
8, W
9 and W
10) have been weighted between the ranges of 0 to 2 depending on the response of the beneficiaries. Disagree carries a weightage of ‘0’, agree carries ‘1’ and ‘2’ for strongly agree. The economic empowerment index (E) for each respondent is calculated as:
E = Social empowerment index.
i = Relevant weight of the ith components.
i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 components.
Other empowerment/impacts
Certain qualities that contribute to all round development and empowerment have been included to assess the respondents. Few of such qualities used are marketing skills and technical skills.
The two components (X
1 and X
2) of other impacts and their relevancy weight (W
1 and W
2) have been weighted between the ranges of 0 to 2 depending on the response of the beneficiaries. Disagree carries a weightage of ‘0’, agree carries ‘1’ and ‘2’ for strongly agree. The empowerment index (O) for each respondent is calculated as:
O = Social empowerment index.
i = relevant weight of the ith component.
i = 1 and 2 components.
The scores for the entire above empowerment category have been arranged from 0 to 10 in order to have a uniform scale. The weightage of different category depending on the number of components has been adjusted to fit in the scale.