Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 33 issue 3 (september 2018) : 206-208

Effect of promising Indian varieties of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum ) on yield attributed, yield and its economics

R.S.Meena, Gopal Lal, N.K. Meena
1<p>ICAR- National Research Centre on Seed Species, Ajmer -305 206, Rajasthan, India</p>
Cite article:- R.S.Meena, Lal Gopal, Meena N.K. (NaN). Effect of promising Indian varieties of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum ) on yield attributed, yield and its economics . Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 33(3): 206-208. doi: 10.18805/BKAP118.

India is known for seed spices country and also called seed bowl of the world. Fenugreek is the main crop among the seed spices. A research experiment was conducted on 18 varieties of fenugreek during Rabi season of 2017 at ICAR-NRCSS, Ajmer in DUS experiment. On the basis of result obtained, fenugreek variety Ajmer Methi-1given significantly highest plant height (52.2cm) followed by Gujarat Methi-2 (48.6 cm.), Hisar Sonali (46.7cm.), Lam Selection-1 (45.1 cm.). Highest primary branches were observed in Rajendra Kanti (5.3). Highest secondary branches were observed in Coimbatore-2 (6.3). Maximum average pod length was recorded in Ajmer Methi-1 (12.9 cm). Maximum pod per plant was recorded in Azad Methi-1(62.2). Maximum number of seeds per pod was recorded in Rajasthan Methi-143 (16.5). Highest test weight was recorded in Ajmer Methi-1(21.4g.). Among the yield of 18 varieties of fenugreek Rajasthan Methi -1 was obtained highest yield 33.3 q/ha followed by Rajasthan Methi -143(33.0) Gujarat Methi (31.3.0), Ajmer Methi -1(30.7) Ajmer Methi -2 (30.0) q/ha. The average yield was recorded 24 q/h and total expenditure per hectare was recorded Rs. 30,000/-. Total gross income Rs. 72,000/-, net return 32,000/- were recorded and B:C ratio was estimated 1:2.37. It means we spent one rupee and get 2 rupees 37 paise.

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