Ben Tre is a province in the Mekong Delta, with a natural area of 2,379 km², formed by the alluvium from four branches of the Mekong River (Fig 1). The terrain of Ben Tre is relatively flat, with a dense network of canals. The province is in a region influenced by a tropical monsoon climate, the Northeast Monsoon (December - April) and the Southwest Monsoon (May - November). The average annual temperature ranges from 26°C to 27°C. The annual rainfall ranges from 1,210 mm to 1,500 mm. During the dry season, rainfall accounts for approximately 2% to 6% of the total annual rainfall (Fig 2). In recent years, Ben Tre has experienced a decrease in rainfall and an increase in temperature, leading to drought conditions in the province.
The combination of low rainfall and reduced upstream flow from the Mekong River has led to earlier and more extensive saltwater intrusion inland, affecting the water supply for agricultural production and daily life (
Ben Tre Statistical Office, 2023).
Data and method
The data used in this study consists of Landsat satellite images from the U.S. Geological Survey (, collected from 2000 to 2020 (Table1). The study analyzed and calculated the drought indices using these satellite image data. After obtaining data from the drought index calculations, the data were processed to classify the drought levels and create a drought map for each drought index (Fig 3).
Calculating parameters
Converting digital number (DN) value to spectral radiance (Lλ), spectral reflectance (ρP) value
Sensors record the intensity of electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface as digital number (DN) values; therefore, the first step is to convert the digital number values into the actual electromagnetic radiation values.
· For Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 images (
Chander and Markham, 2003):

λ: Spectral radiance.
cal : Quantized calibrated pixel value.
Qcal max : Maximum quantized calibrated pixel value.
cal min : Minimum quantized calibrated pixel value.
maxl : Spectral radiance that is scaled to Q
cal max.
maxl : Spectral radiance that is scaled to Q
cal min.
After that, the spectral radiance values are converted to spectral reflectance values:

p: Planetary reflectance.
d: Earth–sun distance.
λ :Mean solar exoatmospheric irradiances.
s: Solar zenith angle.
Lλ = MLQCAL+AL (3)
L : Radiance multiplicative scaling factor.
L : Radiance additive scaling factor.
Spectral radiance values are converted to spectral reflectance values:
ρλ' = MrQCAL+Aρ (4)
λ' : Planetary Spectral Reflectance, without correction for solar angle.
ρ : Reflectance multiplicative scaling factor for the band.
ρ : Reflectance additive scaling factor for the band.
The formula for correcting the sun angle for the spectral reflectance values:

SE: Local sun elevation angle.
SZ: Local solar zenith angle.
Normalized difference vegetation index
NDVI is the ratio of the difference in surface spectral reflectance values between the near-infrared (NIR) and the red (RED) band to their sum, used to indicate the vegetation concentration on the ground:

NIR: Surface spectral reflectance value in the near-infrared band.
RED: Surface spectral reflectance value in the red band.
The vegetation proportion (Pv)
v is the vegetation fraction in a pixel. P
v is calculated based on the correlation with the thresholds and
(Sobrino et al., 2004) :

Surface emissivity (ε)
Surface emissivity is estimated from the NDVI threshold values, considering three different cases (
Sekertekin and Bonafoni, 2020):
· Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 (band 6):

· Landsat 8 (band 10):

R: Reflectance value of the red band.
v , ε
s: Vegetation and soil emissivity.
dε: Cavity effect due to surface roughness (dε = 0 for flat surfaces).
Brightness temperature (TB)
The spectral radiance values calculated in the previous step are used to compute the corresponding brightness temperature T
B (
U.S. Geological Survey, 2019):

B: Brightness temperature.
1, K
2: Band-specific thermal conversion constant from the metadata.
Land surface temperature (LST)
Surface temperature is calculated based on the brightness temperature, taking into account the effect of emissivity. Surface temperature, which used to assess the overall health of vegetation, soil moisture conditions and the impact of temperature, is determined by the formula
(Wukelic et al., 1989) :

λ: Central band wavelength of emittedradiance.

Boltzmann constant (1.38×10-23 J.K
h: Planck’s constant (6.626×10
-34 J.s).
c: Light velocity (2.998×10
8 m/s).
Drought indices
Temperature condition index
The TCI is used to identify drought situations related to temperature, computed by the formula (
Kogan, 1995):

max: Maximum surface temperature value.
min: Minimum surface temperature value.
Vegetation condition index
The VCI is considered a measure to evaluate the growth and development status of the vegetation cover, determined by the formula (
Kogan, 1995):

NDVI: Vegetation index value at the pixel.
max: Maximum vegetation index value.
min: Minimum vegetation index value.
Soil adjusted vegetation index
The SAVI is calculated by combining the NDVI calculation with an additional parameter L to increase accuracy for areas with low vegetation (
Huete, 1988):

NIR: Surface spectral reflectance value in the near-infrared channel.
RED: Surface spectral reflectance value in the red channel.
L: Soil brightness adjustment factor.
Water supplying vegetation index
The WSVI is a combination of the NDVI and the LST to determine soil moisture. The formula for calculating the WSVI is as follows (
Elhag and Bahrawi, 2017):
