Agricultural Science Digest
Chief EditorArvind kumar
Print ISSN 0253-150X
Online ISSN 0976-0547
NAAS Rating 5.52
SJR 0.156
Chief EditorArvind kumar
Print ISSN 0253-150X
Online ISSN 0976-0547
NAAS Rating 5.52
SJR 0.156
Effect of Atropine Sulphate on Laryngeal Accessibility and Visibility for Swine Intubation
First Online 13-12-2022|
Swine are often used as research models for cardiovascular surgery; these surgical models require balanced anaesthesia in accordance with animal welfare and good laboratory practice. For long, painful procedures, orotracheal intubation is necessary in order to protect the airway and prevent complications (Chum and Pacharinsak, 2012). Successful intubation is vital to the stable maintenance of swine under general anaesthesia. However, achieving endotracheal intubation in pigs is still regarded as being technically difficult for scientists performing the procedure; therefore, the procedure is avoided, or tracheostomies are chosen in order to prevent laryngospasm and further complications (Theisen et al., 2009). There is a need to improve the intubation of pigs for inexperienced scientists and veterinarians in all possible ways; protocols for anaesthesia being developed to help prevent certain complications from intubation (Ettrup et al., 2011) (Linkenhoker et al., 2010). Easier methods of pig intubation using a plastic guide for safe and rapid pig intubation are also described (Janiszewski et al., 2014).
Pigs have a small larynx diameter compared to other animals of similar weight. Endotracheal intubation is hampered by poor visualization of the larynx due to the narrow mouth opening, long distance from the snout to the larynx, its anatomical features and protective reflexes (Hartmann et al., 1971, Murison, 2011). For safe anaesthesia, it is important that the intubation of a pig be successful at the first attempt, as subsequent attempts can cause very serious respiratory damage and may be lethal (Oshodi et al., 2011, Steinbacher et al., 2012). Oropharyngeal manipulation induces nerve blockade-laryngospasm; these reflexes may be inhibited by using anticholinergic agents. It is believed that reduced airway secretion improves larynx visualization and can prevent laryngospasm (Hartmann et al., 1971, Steinbacher et al., 2012, Gavel and Walker, 2014).
Many authors and guidelines recommend the use of atropine sulphate for its antisialogogous effect, intramuscularly or intravenously, at the beginning of premedication or induction (Calzetta et al., 2014); however, its effect has not been fully defined or proven (Steinbacher et al., 2012). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of atropine sulphate on laryngeal visibility and accessibility, thus facilitating the complex and life-threatening intubation of pigs. Our hypothesis was that atropine affects the accessibility and visibility of a pig larynx improving pig intubation.
The study was approved with permission (G2-171) from the State Food and Veterinary Service of the Lithuania and was performed according to the European Community guiding principles as outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NRC, 2011) and associated guidelines of the EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments from 2020 till 2022. All animal were kept in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Biological Research Centre. The study included only clinically healthy pig sus scrofa local breed females (nonpregnant, nulliparous), same age 57±1.45 d., same breeding facility, weighing 35±0.89 kg. The animals were randomly divided into two groups (10 pigs/group): the atropine (A) group and the negative control (N) group. Random numbers were generated using the standard= RAND () function in MS Excel 2010 (Microsoft, Brussels, Belgium).
An analytical, prospective and blinded study design was chosen for this study. All animals underwent anaesthesia and analgesia using the same protocol depending on animal weight. Animals were premedicated intramuscularly with xylazine hydrochloride 3 mg kg-1 (Sedaxylan, Eurovet Animal Health, The Netherlands), ketamine hydrochloride 20 mg kg-1 (Ketamidor, Ricchter Pharma, Austria) and fentanyl citrate 3 µg kg-1 (Fentanyl, Kalceks, Latvia) mixed in one syringe and were always assessed after injection. Immediately after the animal reached the surgery anaesthesia stage, it was transferred to a preparation table and a 16-gauge intravenous catheter (BD Venflon, Sweden) was inserted into the auricular vein. Induction was obtained with thiopental sodium 8 mg kg-1 (Thiopental, VUAB, Czech Republic). Subsequently, atropine sulphate 0.04 mg kg-1 (Atropine sulphate, Sanitas, Lithuania) was administered intravenously for each animal in group A, or the same amount of saline solution (NaCl 0.9%, B Braun, Germany) was administered for each animal in group N. After induction, a laryngoscope was inserted into the mouth cavity and used to perform laryngoscopy using an endoscope (Olympus, Germany); a 5- to 10-second-long procedure was performed in order to create images and a short video. Animals were excluded from the study if intubation failed, tracheostomy was required, or other complications occurred.
For each animal, four different investigators were involved as follows: A first investigator (VZ) administered the treatment based on the randomization table. This investigator was the only person aware of the treatment group allocation, responsible for anaesthetic protocol during the study. Two experienced investigators, veterinary medicine doctors used to casual animal anaesthesia and intubation (horses, sheep, goats, rabbits and guinea pigs) (RG; AK) and one beginning investigator, a veterinary student experienced as a veterinary technician in a small animal clinic (EJ), all unaware of the treatment, were responsible for larynx evaluation after the procedure. The investigators did not know the animal groups; after the study they received 20 coded images and videos of swine larynges. During evaluation, the following parameters for easy intubation were assessed: diameter, accessibility, visibility and amount of saliva and mucus. Laryngeal scores were graded as follows: score 1: possibly difficult complicated intubation due to a narrow laryngeal opening, restricted visibility and accessibility and a large amount of saliva; score 2: broader laryngeal opening, limited accessibility and poor visibility and a small amount of saliva; score 3: extensive laryngeal opening, clear accessibility, visible posterior origin of the vocal cords and a moist mucosa; score 4: comprehensive laryngeal opening, complete accessibility, a full view of the glottis and moist mucosa; score 5: best and easiest intubation with widespread laryngeal opening, complete accessibility and visibility and wet mucosa. Data were decoded after analysis; images that were most often graded with a certain score are shown in Fig 1.
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