Recovery of tilmicosin
The ability of the assay procedure to extract tilmicosin from the plasma matrix is expressed in terms of recovery. The recovery of tilmicosin from chicken plasma is given in Table 1. The acceptable recovery percentage for an assay procedure is 80-120%
(Urban et al., 2009). In this method, the recovery was 85.07%, which was within the acceptable range.
Calibration curve
The calibration curves for methanolic and plasma standards returned with R2 values of 0.99, which is indicative of very high reliability over a broad range from 0.1
µg to 5 µg/ml. The calibration curve of plasma standard is depicted in Fig 1.
Plasma concentrations of tilmicosin through “in crop” and “in water” route
The plasma concentrations of tilmicosin revealed a highly irregular pattern of absorption. Only four out of 8 birds responded to treatment orally and “in water”. This inconsistency in the water route can be expected since the drug entry into the body largely depends on water consumption patterns, which may vary among birds. However, the birds that had responded, the plasma concentration remained above a MIC value of 0.05 µg /ml for up to 8 hrs. In the group that was given orally,therapeutic value was maintained up to 12 hours. This satisfies the PK/PD value of T/MIC as the plasma concentrations of tilmicosin when administered through the oral route, have remained above the MIC value of 0.05 µg / ml (
Abd-El Ghany, 2009) for the majority of the treatment duration. The tilmicosin plasma concentrations could be detected only till 8 hrs when administered through “in water” route, which could be attributed to the degradability of the drug when exposed to water coupled with the heightened scope for contamination (
Gbylik-Sikorska et al., 2016). The plasma time concentration graphs of tilmicosin through oral and “in water” routes are depicted in Fig 2. The chromatogram depicting tilmicosin detection is given in Fig 3 (a).
Pharmacokinetic parameters
The important pharmacokinetic parameters of tilmicosin calculated for the two routes are shown in Table 2. In the present study, when the drug was administered orally, AUC0-inf ranged between 4.02 µ
-1 and 18.23 µ
-1, with a mean value of 8.61 µ
-1. When administered through “in water” route, AUC0-inf ranged between 0.99 µ
-1 and 8.78 µ
-1 with a mean value of 4.73 µ
-1. AUC is the total area under plasma concentration from time zero to infinity, thus providing a measure of the extent of drug exposure which depends directly on dose and is modified by absorption and plasma clearance. On perusal of the literature indicates wide variability in AUC values, with some authors reporting mean AUCs of 67.96±1.56 µ
-1 (Keles
et_al2001), while others reported much lower AUCs in the range of 24.2±3.9 and 23.7±4.15 µ
-1 (
Abu-Basha et al., 2007;
Elbadawy and Aboubakr, 2017). The elimination half -life was recorded to be 6.13±5.67 hrs for the ‘in crop’ group and 13.24 ±13.01 hrs for the ‘in water’ group. It is an index of drug persistence in the body and the main clinical use of this parameter is to select an appropriate length for the dosing interval under the circumstances of multiple-dose administration. It also aids in the prediction of drug accumulation and the time to reach steady-state equilibrium (
Toutain and Bousquet- Melou, 2004). The parameters of AUC and Cmax are important to indicate the drug absorption pattern and the persistence in the body. However, it is to be borne in mind that some of the birds did not respond with adequate concentration. This could be due to the wide variation in consumption pattern and possible degradation of the drug in water or in the GI tract. The relative bioavailability of tilmicosin after administration through drinking water was reported as e 54.94%, which suggests appreciable absorption and suitability of water route.
PK – PD integration
In this study, we have not carried out the MIC of tilmicosin against Mycoplasma. However, the MIC of 0.05 µ
-1 (
Abd-El Ghany, 2009) has been taken into consideration. Since tilmicosin is a time- dependent antibiotic with the surrogate parameter of T>MIC, satisfactory efficacy can be achieved if the concentration above MIC were maintained for 50-80% of the treatment period
(Toutain et al., 2002). In our study, the concentrations above the MIC value are maintained up to 12 hours (oral) and up to 8 hrs (in water). This suggests that the dose used will be clinically relevant.
Tissue concentration of tilmicosin
The concentrations of tilmicosin in lung (from a therapeutic perspective) and muscle (from a residue perspective) were detected and quantified in the present study (Fig 3b and Table 3).
Lung tissue
In the present study, the concentrations of tilmicosin in the lung were assayed. Even if there could be some apprehensions about the utility of tilmicosin, vis a vis its plasma concentrations, the concentration of tilmicosin in the lung is clinically important since the lungs are the seat of infection of mycoplasma in chicken. Studies have shown that the levels of tilmicosin are many fold higher than in plasma. In our previous study too, lung concentration was higher than that of plasma
(Duraisamy et al., 2022). But that was at a higher dose of 40 mg /Kg. We wanted to test if the reduction in the dose would affect the lung concentration. To our satisfaction, even at the reduced dose used in this study, the concentration in lungs on day 10 (0.99 µg.g
-1) and day 14 (0.75 µg.g
-1) were far higher than the MIC for the organism, which suggests a satisfactory dose level used in this study.
Muscle residue
From a food safety point of view, it is important to ensure that the drug concentration remains lower in the edible tissues. In our previous study,
(Duraisamy et al., 2022), the residue load was found to be 4.61 µg/g on the 14
th day and 1.37 µg/g on the 22
nd day when tilmicosin was administered via the ‘in water’ route at the dose rate of 40 mg/kg body weight. Our idea was to minimize the residue burden. In this study, we found that reducing the dose to 25 mg.Kg
-1, the last detected residue was at 14 days and no residue could be detected beyond that. The FSSAI standards
(FSSAI, 2011) and
Codex (2018) prescribe an MRL of 0.15 µg/g. In our study the residue was above MRL (0,80 µg/g) on 10
th day but below MRL on 14
th day. This is advantageous in the farm practice since the drug can be administered up to 4
th week of age since the marketing age is 6 weeks or more.