Chemical composition of crop residues
Cowpea residue had the highest total nitrogen (2.15%) and phosphorus content (0.43%), while cotton residue had the highest carbon content (45.63%). Maize residue had the lowest carbon (41.32%) and nitrogen content (0.86%), but the highest cellulose (41.21%) and lignin content (15.18%). Regarding the carbon and nitrogen (C: N) ratio of the three crop residues, cowpea had the lowest (20:1), while maize had the highest (48:0). Cotton had an intermediate C: N ratio of 37.4 (Table 1).
Crop residue type and tillage method on mass loss
The F-values for tillage depth (p = 0.01) and time (p = 0.01) were highly significant, suggesting that different tillage depths had a significant impact on the mass loss of residues over time. The two-way interactions of crop × tillage, crop × time and tillage × time were significant at 0.05 level of significance, while the three-way interaction of crop × tillage × time was not significant. This implies that the mass loss depended on the combination of crop residue type, tillage method and litter bag retrieval time.
Crop residue type and tillage method on mass loss
The percentage of remaining mass varied among three different crop residues at various placement depths. Cowpea exhibited the fastest decomposition rate, followed by cotton and maize over the time (Fig 1). On the 40th day, cowpea retained only 57.2% of its mass in MT, simulating plough depth tillage. By the 120
th day, cowpea had lost 86% of its mass in MT, whereas cotton and maize had lost 73.3% and 66.4%, respectively. Cotton had a moderate decomposition rate, losing 46.1% of its mass in MT on the 30
th day. Maize had the slowest decomposition rate, with only 24.3% of its mass lost in MT on the 30
th day and retaining 34% of its mass at the end of the study period (Fig 1). The rapid decomposition of cowpea residue can be attributed to its relatively high nitrogen content and low lignin and cellulose content (Table 1). On the other hand, maize residue, with higher cellulose content and lower nitrogen content, proved to be more resistant to decomposition, consistent with previous findings
(Grzyb et al., 2020). The low C:N ratio of cowpea (23:1) and cotton (41:2) residues may have further contributed to their rapid decomposition.
The mass loss declined over time for all crop residues and tillage methods, indicating a gradual decomposition of the residues (Fig 1). Notably, there was a discernible difference in mass loss between plough depth tillage (MT) and full inversion tillage (FIT). FIT, which buried the residues deeper into the soil, led to a slower decomposition rate. This difference in mass loss was most pronounced for cowpea, with the smallest difference observed in maize and an intermediate difference in cotton.Tillage methods significantly influenced residue breakdown, with approximately 50-60% of breakdown occurring within the first 30 days. Plough depth tillage showed a rapid initial decline from 100% to 50% in the first 30 days, followed by a slight increase to 25% at 75 days and then a decrease to 16.5% at 120 days. Shallow tillage exhibited a similar pattern but with higher mass loss values compared to deep and inversion tillage at each litter bag retrieval time. Full inversion and deep tillage had the slowest decomposition rates for all crop residues compared to plough depth and shallow tillage. On the 120
th day, the percentage of remaining mass varied among the tillage methods, with full inversion tillage slowing and steadying the decomposition process, while full plough depth tillage hastened it.The rate of cowpea and cotton residue decomposition was higher at plough depth of soil (0-15 cm) than at shallow tillage (surface). This may be because the buried residue was in close contact with the soil and had optimal moisture content, which created a conducive environment for decomposition
(Uwamahoro et al., 2023). The drier environment also increased soil temperature
(Thongjoo et al., 2005), which can increase the rate of decomposition
Hood (2001). In contrast, deep and full inversion tillage had a slow and steady decline of mass loss due to lower temperature, poor aeration and fewer microbial communities
(Cassani et al., 2021).
Xue et al., (2011) discovered that surface-placed residues decomposed slowly than buried samples. Plough depth tillage developed surplus moist and humid environment and left more of the soil surface covered
(Lupwayi et al., 2007), which helped to trap moisture, ideal for decomposers to decompose
(Lutz et al., 2019). However, in conventional tillage, due to exposed soil surface, rapid moisture evaporation rapidly and a drier environment
(Dietrich et al., 2019), pose less ideal for decomposers.
Crop residue type and tillage method on C, N and P release
Cotton had the highest carbon content, while cowpea had the highest nitrogen content compared to maize residues (Table 1). At the beginning of the study (day 0), the initial carbon contents were 45.65% for cotton, 41.32% for maize and 43.21% for cowpea residues. Over time, the mineralization rate increased, reaching a constant level for cotton and maize residues after day 30.Tillage methods also played a significant role, with plough depth tillage resulting in the maximum nutrient release, followed by shallow tillage. Cowpea residues having C, N and P content of 43.21%, 2.15% and 0.43%, decreased to 8.21%, 0.28% and 0.17% on day 120, with nearly all nutrients being mineralized (Fig 2,3,4). The C,N,P content decreased to 12.50%, 0.30% and 0.19% for cotton and 20.88%, 0.19% and 0.11% for maize on day 120 over their initial contents. In black calcareous soils, the rate of nitrogen loss from cotton residues is typically faster than in other types of soils because of high pH.
Deeper placement of crop residues, in deep and full inversion tillage, resulted in slower mineralization of nutrients. The remaining C and N content at day 120 was 23.41%, 0.59% and 26.18% for cotton, 0.36% and 18.49% for maize and 0.69% for cowpea residues (Fig 2, 3 and 4). Shallow tillage mineralized a significant amount of nitrogen overall during the study period. This is because the exposed soil surface caused moisture to evaporate more quickly, creating a drier environment that was less ideal for decomposers
(Lizana et al., 2010). The slower and steady release of nutrients and carbon could enhance and maintain soil fertility over the long term, reducing carbon and nutrient loss and promoting organic carbon sequestration in deeper soil layers. However, some anaerobic decomposing organisms are present, they lead to a slower mineralization process
(Ye et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the slow and constant release of nutrients and carbon will enhance and maintain the fertility of the soil under long term conditions
(Li et al., 2013).