Experimental site and growing conditions
The DRDO experiment was carried out in a polycarbonate chamber at the DRDO’s experimental farm in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. The experimental farm is situated in Pithoragarh at a height of 1532 m (above MSL) with coordinates of 29.5835°N and 80.2095°E. The farmland is located in the western Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, on the hilly middle ground. Mean monthly temperature (October 2020- January 2021) at 9.00 AM varied from 28.24°C to 18.93°C and 2.30 PM from 38.52°C to 24.00°C and Relative humidity at 9.00 AM varied from 24.52% to 18.25% and at 2.30 PM from 10.53% to 9.65%.
Experimental design and material
In this research, we used the ‘’Amazing’’ variety of cauliflower. A Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replicates and five treatments was used in this study. Black polythene mulch (T1), red polythene mulch (T2), silver polythene mulch (T3), yellow polythene mulch (T4) and no mulch (T5) were the experimental conditions. Four sets of each treatment were performed. According to treatment and replications, 20 plots were prepared for of 7.20x1.20 cm area. Each planting bed was given a 45 cm separation from its neighbor and was elevated 15 cm above ground level for better intercultural operations. Mulches of 50m (200 gauge thickness) were applied in plots according to the treatment combinations. All the mulches used in the experiment were purchased from the open market.
After that holes were made at the spacing of 60x60 cm on the mulch. Seedlings were transplanted on 8
th October (2020) on well-prepared plots, which accommodate 24 plants per plot.
Data collection
Plant growth and yield data
We successfully finished all intercultural procedures. Plant height at harvest (cm), number of leaves per plant, days until curd commencement (d), days until harvest (d), curd weight (g), curd length (cm), curd diameter (cm), biological yield per plant (kg) and yield per plot (kg) were all recorded for a random sample of five plants. The yield is then translated into tones as yield/hectare.
Air temperature
Air temperature minimum at 9:00 AM and maximum at 2:30 PM was recorded daily during the cropping period.
Soil temperature
Platinum resistance thermometers were installed in the centre of each plot of each treatment at 10-15 cm depth. The temperature in °C was recorded daily for a minimum of 7.30 hours and a maximum of 14.30 hours.
Soil moisture
For calculating soil moisture content, soil samples were drawn at fortnightly intervals. Soil moisture content was determined from 0-30 cm soil depth by gravimetric method. After taking the fresh weight of samples, these were dried in aluminium boxes in the oven at 105-120°C till constant weight and soil moisture percentage were achieved. Soil moisture content was then calculated on oven dry weight basis with the help of the formula below.
Mp= Moisture percentage on oven dry weight basis.
Fw= Fresh weight of soil sample.
Dw= Dry weight of soil sample.
Statistical analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the experiment was done as per the model suggested by
Panse and Sukhatme (2000). The data recorded was analyzed using MS-Excel, OPSTAT and SPSS 16.0 package as per the design of the experiment.